Hi from San Diego

San Diego, CA(Zone 10b)

Hello everyone!!!! I miss you guys!!!! no it's not steph... I ma just being lazy and using Steph' login...
I am having a GREAT TIME... Steph is so wonderful... the sweeeets person... her garden is to dye for... I went with her to the San Diego Rose Show and she won several prizes.... and this was the nationals... I got to see how serious people really are about their roses... wow...

Met Zuzu, of course... oh she is so fun and filled with life... so original and I was so absolutly happy to hang with her... I was glued to the poor woman!!! I wanted to bring her with me...so many funny stories...

Dr Don and Pam are wonderful people... oh may goodness their ranch is GORGEOUS... his compost pile is called Mount Manure ... 30 horses.... that's enough poo!!!!
his dahlias were not in bloom, but I got to see the supports he made... the man is really talented... I have tons of pictures to post...

and I also meet THE DAVE! we talked and he is so nice... he is going to be in Boston next month... so maybe we can do something??? meet with him for lunch???

anyway... I visited the rose garden at Balboa Park and I behaved like a little kid in a chocolate factory!!!! reall great roses.... Gram Sexy Rexy is gorgeous... you will love it!

after buying so many roses I still have tons of roses I want!!!! specially minis... I am in so much trouble...

one thing I am so amazed is how San Diego reminds me of Brazil... palm trees and so many other plants I have not seen in over 20 years.... really nice...

I got plants to take back.... how I am going to do that I have no idea... even a sucullent from Zuzu's garden....

more later!!!! Steph and I are looking for roses.... hahaha.... no surprise there!!!

Southern, CT(Zone 6a)

Hi Kassia! And Steph!
This sounds like a wonderful trip. And you are meeting some rose legends!
Say "Hello" to everyone out there for us.

San Diego, CA(Zone 10b)

I hugged a lot of people yesterday and told them it was from the Northeast thread!!!!they gave me a wonderful rose book... I travelled the furthest for the RU!!!! so nice people!!!

South China, ME(Zone 5a)

So glad you are having a great time and we could not have picked a better person to represent the Northeast!!!
How are you going to get all those plants home on the plane?? Just empty a suitcase out......you can always get more clothes when you get home! LOL

Fairfield County, CT(Zone 6b)

You can mail or UPS you clothes home, too. If you have time - go to the zoo. The plantings are wonderful and the animals seem very happy in their habitats.

San Diego, CA(Zone 10b)

hi... lol... I am going to try to get at least the cuttings of Solandra Maxima... I don't know if it will be ok there but I am going to try... and some seeds... no roses... :( oh well, I guess I am going to have to order by mail!

Springfield, MA(Zone 6a)

Hi Kassie!

Glad you are having a great time!

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

Hi Kass! Glad you're having a great time. Hope you still love NE the most!! Will it be you returning or steph_gem??

Oviedo, FL(Zone 9b)

UPS the clothes and put the cuttings in zip loc bags. leave the air in them like a baloon and they should travel pretty well in your suitcase.

Framingham, MA(Zone 6a)

I am back.... and I love it here!!!! I will finish the thread with the pictures so you guys can see it!!!!

San Diego, CA(Zone 10b)

Kassia I had such a fun time. Im glad you did too.
How was your flight? How are you feeling.? I felt so bad because I just look at you and know you werent feeling well......

Springfield, MA(Zone 6a)

I am glad you are home safely, Kassia :-) Now you can go on a lecture tour of the North East, describing your experience. Why you could even do a PowerPoint presentation, complete with pictures!

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