Woodchuck deterrent?

Fairmont, WV(Zone 6a)

Does anyone have any suggestions for woodchuck deterrent? Liquid Fence seems to keep away the deer, at least at this time of year, but the woodchucks ignore it. I spread used cat pee litter around my plants a couple of days ago (hoping that maybe the varmints would recognize it as predator urine), does anyone have any experience with this technique?

I suspect I'm going to eventually have to trap and relocate the animal...I'm getting tired of its cheeky attitude.

Thanks for any help you can give me! :)

Not much you can do about them other than relocate them to another area which isn't legal around here but people still do it. They certainly like to tunnel don't they. I leave them be more so because I like them but I realize others don't. I know I don't like them when I step in an entrance hole and end up twisting an ankle.

Lima, OH(Zone 5b)

We have been tring to catch them with a Have-a-heart cage, but end up catching raccoons instead. The groundhogs have been eating many of my perinnials as well as chewing on wood. They move from under our shed to our deck to our small front porch, which is starting to slope from their digging. They have eaten away at the shed, the deck and the porch wood.

Better to catch a raccoon than a skunk. We get the same skunk in our trap and he is so used to us releasing him that he doesn't even "go off" any more when we unlatch the trap. For a while there, he was "going off" on a regular basis and we had to approach the trap wearing rain ponchos and goggles to toss a rug over the cage so we could trip the latch. Ingrate. I am convinced he is going in that trap intentionally to rob me of treats because he knows he only needs to wait until morning to get set freeeeeeeeee.

Fairmont, WV(Zone 6a)

Well I've had a trap set out for several days now and no woodchuck...in the trap, that is...I still see him wandering around the yard, occasionally giving me a rude hand gesture. *sigh* No skunks, possums, or racoons either, though, for which I am thankful. :)


Gladwin, MI(Zone 5a)

I had a friend who used "ground chuck" in many recipes. I do not eat at his house. (he says they are vegetarians and good to eat)
I luckily do not have woodchucks. I do use a live trap and it is my fear to catch a skunk. I did have a very mad kitty in there this morning though. After opening the door, she stayed staring at me, I wiggled my fingers through the open door and you could just see her brain figure it out, instantly she shot through like a bullet and was gone. She won't be back I am sure.
Maybe you need better bait. I know many people who live trap these critters with lots of luck.

Fairmont, WV(Zone 6a)

Well, I've used carrots, lettuce, apples, and bananas so far. Today DH saw a chipmunk run into the trap, grab the latest installment of fresh produce, and run out. (It gave DH a rude hand gesture, too.) Great. However, the woodchuck may have decamped elsewhere. Once the weather warmed and we started spending lots of time on our porch, the woodchuck disappeared from the yard and reappeared across the street, digging big holes in a drainage ditch. I'm hoping it's relocated permanently...and doesn't decide to wander over to my garden for a snack!


Gladwin, MI(Zone 5a)

That should be wonderful bait! I can't believe he is that smart. Hopefully he is gone to bug someone else.
I know all about the bait stealers. We have raccoons here that take the whole can of sardines I use. We find the empty can quite a ways away. They can reach carefully over the trip and pick it up and over.

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