If you had to compost in a tumbler, which one?

Buffalo, NY

We just moved to a new house, and our yard is even smaller than before. I have about 50x15 feet of grass in the backyard, no front yard.
Hubby has convinced me not to do a compost pile here (we had a great big one at the old house). I honestly would prefer a pile, but I really have no where to put it. As incentive, he's offered to buy me any composter I want, at any price (very strange for my penny pinching tightwad hubby).

So, if you HAD to do your composting in a tumbler, and price wasn't an issue, what would you chose? It has to be fully contained (not open bottomed). I'd like something fairly large, I have lots of room in the garage. I already have a large black tumbler that I got for free from someone on gardenweb, the tumbler part is about 2' by 3'. I'd like it to be a bit bigger than that if possible. With my rabbits, chinchilla, and veggie scraps I make lots of compost.

My pile at my old house only was half composted. Since it was in a somewhat conspicious spot, I had to dismantle it and dig holes in the grass and bury it. Sniff... it would have been such great compost!

Hulbert, OK(Zone 7a)

Hello Heebie,

I wish I could help you, I'd give my left pinkie toe for a
great compost tumbler.

Well, okay, my left pinkie toe nail clippings. LOL.

Anxious to see the responses to your post. KM

Danielsville, GA(Zone 7b)

I bought the *compost tumbler, whitch makes good compost in 15 days,asuming you folow the instructions, but you really need 2 tumblers, and I would look in to the mantis double tumbler.If I were buying one now, I would get the double drum tumbler. Mike

Sterling, VA(Zone 6b)

Do you plan on composting in your garage? I have not heard many really great comments about the tumblers and they sure seem expensive. Here is a thread that talks about the mantis tumbler: http://davesgarden.com/place/t/531671/

I would wonder if a vericomposting system would better suit your needs.

- Brent

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