First Canna For 2007

Summerville, SC(Zone 8a)

Tropical Rose .. I got it in a trade. The flower is something quite different than I have ever seen .. its very wide!


Thumbnail by Xeramtheum
Lakeland, FL(Zone 9b)

Annie thats a Beautfull Flower But its Not Tropical Rose id say its Journeys End Paul

Summerville, SC(Zone 8a)

Hmm .. that's what the label says - to be honest I thought it was a strange name for a yellow flower and the only Journey's End I have is in seed form.


KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Whatever it is, it is gorgeous!! I hope mine bloom this year. Course if they grow faster I will be happy too. lol. They are too slow for me right now. lol

Melbourne, FL

Very pretty. My first bloom is about to open.

Robertsdale, AL(Zone 8b)

Pretty flower, X. Many of the rhizomes I planted this year have bloomed, now I'm waiting for the seedlings.... - Arlan

Georgetown, SC(Zone 8a)

X: That really is a pretty one. I like the spots. :)
I hope to have a bloom tomorrow, on one of mine. Most of them have been pretty slow starting for some reason.

Melbourne, FL

Mine has great color, but the first flower failed to open properly.

Thumbnail by gardenpom
Summerville, SC(Zone 8a)

I'm waiting inpatiently for my Chocolate Cherry to bloom! Gardenpom, the 2nd flower my plant opened funny too!

Lots of things in my garden are starting to bloom .. it's really exciting!

I'm keeping my eyes pealed for the leaf rollers though!


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