Paramus, NJ

Just a quick one?? Anyone have a suggestion for where I should purchase (in person or mailorder) lilacs in the Northeast?? I was in Rochester this past weekend and there are some varieties I would really like!!

Wilkes Barre, PA(Zone 6a)

I purchased one from Home Depot last year. It didn't have any blossoms on it so I really didn't know what the flower would look like. Much to my surprise this year a few heads popped up! They are purple with white trim! I never even expected any flowers because it is so small and only planted one year. They are beautiful. But not as fragrant, yet (as I thought they would be.). I think there is something that I can put on it to boost the fragrance though. Like there is stuff to help the color of some flowers. I am going to look into that
The price is pretty good there.

Paramus, NJ

Thank you. I am looking for specific varieties. There is a really dark magenta one called "Yankee Doodle". We have a few Home Depots and maybe if they are marked correctly I could find one but usually they have the more common varieties. Different varieties are more fragrant than others so I'm not sure you will be able to enhance the fragrance. There is one called "Sensation" that is very fragrant and very remarkable. It is a darker purple with a white rim around the petal. Very beautiful and very fragrant. You might find that one around.

Paramus, NJ

I stand corrected. I just read on the Select Plus International Nursery ( site that you CAN enhance fragrance. If you add horticultural lime in the fall that is supposed to increase fragrance. Good Luck

Wheatfield, NY(Zone 6a)

Diane, I just bought 'Sensation' at my local nursery. It is very popular (an very pretty!). So I think you should be able to find it. I'm not familiar with 'Yankee Doodle'. But I also bought 'Charles Joly' which is a deep magenta and should be relatively easy to find.

Rare Find Nursery has 'Yankee Doodle'

you can check PlantFiles for online sources

(edited for sp.)


This message was edited May 18, 2007 11:29 AM

Thumbnail by grampapa
Paramus, NJ

Thanks Grandpapa
Have you used Rare find before? They are a little more expensive than the one I found Select Plus International and I do mean a little $1.53. Mostly cause they charge tax and select does not. But the real question is have you used them? I will check the files for other posts regarding them before I order. I also have a Sensation and when I described it to someone he had never seen it so I was able to send him some lovely photos. It is rather beautiful and my favorite (so far)

Wilkes Barre, PA(Zone 6a)

thanks Diane, I shall use the lime in the fall. My grandma's yard has 3 large dark purple lilac bushes. They always have a strong aroma! She also was able to take twigs and replant them some how. I think she did it with lilacs but I know she did it with forsythia.

Wheatfield, NY(Zone 6a)

No, I haven't bought from Rare Find. But I have heard good things. I would check Garden WatchDog.

here's my 'Sensation'...just planted about 2 weeks ago.

Thumbnail by grampapa
Paramus, NJ

I can smell it just by looking at the photo. I am crazy for lilacs. I dug up the bed at the end of my pool and have added the new Sensation and will order a Yankee Doodle, plus one called Monge which is more of a magenta color. I also put Daisy's in front of the lilacs for the rest of the summer color. I'll have to try a photo. Mine is almost tapped out. I cut a few to bring them in. My Miss Kim and Miss Canada are the later blooms and just getting ready!! Enjoy

Wheatfield, NY(Zone 6a)

Diane, please do post a pic. I'd love to see them! Funny, mine are at one end of my pool, too. Love to see your Misses when they bloom, too.

Bedford, NY

I just came from a plant sale at Lasdon Park and Arboretum (Northern Westchester, NY) and spoke to a lilac (syringa) specialist. He recommended as a very good source. They're in W. Boxford MA (just off I95 north of Boston) if you get up that way but they do ship as well. Check out the website.

Chepachet, RI(Zone 5b)

Just thought I would mention Fox Hill Lilac Nursery in Maine--they do mail orders and you can check them out at

Now, I've never ordered anything from them, but I have a friend who lives not far from the nursery and his family has purchased many lilacs from this place and they've reportedly been very happy with them. I was planning on driving up this spring to make a large purchase but now it looks like I'm going to have to wait until next spring.

Good luck!

Edit--I just checked, they do have a limited supply of "Yankee Doodle."

This message was edited May 20, 2007 7:28 AM

Paramus, NJ

Barndoor Bob and Niere,
Thanks for your inputs. The "rare find nursery" that Grandpapa mentioned is actually in NJ (Where I am) so I decided to try the Yankee Doodle from there. It got good posts on the Watchdog. I might just take a drive down one day for the fun of it. It wil probably be a 1- 1 1/2 hr drive but I am sure I can cajole some gardening friends to take a "road trip".
I also decided to try some from Select Plus International- which is a little chancy since I could find no listing on Watchdog, but they seem to also specialize in Syringa-
Will let you know how my purchases work out.

Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

Syringa Plus is the best as far as I'm concerned. The owner Roger was the propagator (retired) for the Arnold Arboretum. Their 1/2 gallon sizes are excellent. And they do have Yankee Doodle.

Here's Select Plus garden watchdog rating.

This message was edited May 23, 2007 6:56 PM

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