any veggies grow good indoors?

San Angelo, TX(Zone 7b)

I'm sorry if I have missed this question-are there any vegetables that can be grown indoors in pots? I don't have a yard(apartment) and thought it would be fun to grow some veggies insisde?
Any suggestions? Thanks, Elizabeth

Round Lake, IL(Zone 5a)

Inside may be a bit of a stretch but do you have a small patio or balcony? I work for a utility company and see many people that have a pepper plant, small blueberries, cherry tomats, herbs, and strawberries. Inside would be a challenge as you would have to play the part of the bees yourself in order to get your plants to "fruit". I would also check out the container forum and see the suggestions over there. Also you may want to check into any community gardening opportunities in your area. It may be hard to get into one at this time of year but by making contacts now you can at least get on a wait list and maybe get in next season. Good luck!!!

San Angelo, TX(Zone 7b)

I may have to rethink this! I do not want to attract bees. I keep my door open alot so my 2 year old can walk in and out. Don't want any bee stings!!
Thank you for all that information. Elizabeth

Round Lake, IL(Zone 5a)

I'm not trying to talk you out of it at all. I was actually saying you would have to pollenate the flowers yourself. I hope I didn't talk you out of anything and you'll keep something this season even if it is an annual basket or you could try a hanging basket of herbs. I see you concern for bees with something sweet like berries, but I don't think it would be that big of a concern as long as you keep up with it. I bought (several years and 2 "homes" ago) a clay pot that was about 1.5-2 feet tall and had pockets along the sides of it for strawberries. I also remember one year putting a hot pepper plant in the top and berries along the sides. Also in the past I have purchased larger tomato plants in 3 gallon containers with a round cage all in one for about 15-20. But that would have to be outside and get some direct sun for a few hours a day. Don't give up on the balcony or patio...however I'm not telling you to break any rules in your complex whatsoever. Good Luck!

San Angelo, TX(Zone 7b)

You know alot more than me on this so any advice or suggestionis very helpful. I was thinking of maybe some herbs. I have half dozen or so hanging baskets that I got on sale and figured I could one day use them. How perfect for some herbs? Mint is the only one so far I've been told about. Any other suggestions?
Thank you for your help, Elizabeth

Longview, WA(Zone 8b)

ejennings, and all of you.
There is a system called an Aero garden that is hydroponic. It allow you to grow herbs and flowers indoors. In fact, on top of the refrigerator would be great place if you don't have a cabinet over it.
Do a Google search on hydroponics and you will find all kinds of growing systems that are designed for indoor use. They almost always use artificial light to give the plants the daylight spectrum.
Good luck with your search.
God Bless

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