Canna's Rotted Over Winter

Findlay, OH

I have always dug my cannas up in the fall and stored them in our garage in large tubs with some peat moss. This year when I went to plant them most of them had rotted. I have other friends in the same area (NW Ohio) who also lost their cannas too. Has anyone else experienced this problem and any suggestions. I've had my cannas for at least 7 years and have always cared for them as previously stated.

Lakeland, FL(Zone 9b)

they may have been to wet

Hughesville, MD(Zone 7a)

I personally do not have cannas but my mother-in-law has a ton of them, Southern MD/Zone 7, she leaves them in her garden over the winter and they always come back - with a vengeance! She mulches heavily in the fall when she cuts them back. The other folks who lost theirs, did they store them as you did?

Galena, OH(Zone 5b)

I am currently researching how to winterize my new/first canna in my garage this coming winter. I found this info..."Check your cannas periodically. Remove any that soften or begin to rot. Rotting can be caused by too cold temperatures (aim for 45-55 degrees) or by storing damaged or overly wet rhizomes." I hope this helps!

Oostburg, WI(Zone 5b)

From experience, I would say being too dry is better than too wet. It just takes them longer to get started if they are really dry and shriveled up. I have lost a few that totally shriveled up because my basement is really too hot for them. I should water them a few times thru the winter but ... ya know how that goes. :)

Lakes of the Four Se, IN(Zone 5a)

My cannas rotted over the winter because they were too wet when I stored them. We had such a cold and wet fall and I was unable to get them dried sufficiently.

Oostburg, WI(Zone 5b)

bummer! If mine do as well as I expect them too, I'll have plenty to share come fall. :)

Yuma, AZ

Give me your address I can send you some red ones that love the sun!

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