In search of datura seeds

Hemlock, NY

hello ! I live just outside rochester ny and i had wonderful moon garden with white datura lambs ear white shasta daisys and lily of the valley and well i moved because i have a new house and was told i would be able to go back in the spring transplant my garden to my new home , when i returned the new tenanats had destroyed the garden. So i was wondering if there was anyone in the area that would be willing to share some datura seeds ? I could send a sase for them ? I have already got the daisys and the labs ear and lily of the valley but I cannot find any datura any where !



West Babylon, NY

Hello! I just joined this website today and I saw your post. I have literally 1000's of datura seeds. I have many different colors, including double & triple purple,alba,metel,meteloides,white, lilac, & yellow.
These are all fresh seeds that I collected from both my garden and my local college botanical garden last summer.
I would gladly send you as many as you'd like for either a SASBE, or if you happen to have any acanthus spinosus or mollis seeds I would do a trade with you.

Springfield, MA(Zone 6a)

Wow, seedfiend, are you going to be popular. If I send you a d-mail, would you send seeds to me as well? I don't have the seeds you are looking for, but I do have amaryllis seeds - and I know they are viable because I collected them myself this March/April and I have three germinating. Interested?

Hemlock, NY

Oh how wonderful yes I would gladly send you some self addresses SASE just send me an email with your address and I will send ya one you can reply to my email addy at I don't have any of the seeds you are looking for though I wish that i did and i will gladly keep my eye out !
I had such a huge moon garden and they smell so wonderful I loved them and it was also so nice to see all the hummingbirds and dragon flies that they addtracted !

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