pumpkins planted on top of compost

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Decide first and ask advice later, LOL !
I've decided to put a pile of dirt on the middle of my cold leafy compost from thefall, and plant pumpkin Spirit on top. The leafy compost is about 4 by 8 feet and 2 feet high. I figure I'll just forget that compost for the summer, keep it moist, let the pumpkins use it and shade it, then harvest both in the fall.
Anybody done this?

I haven't done this myself, but my gardening friend plants squash in his compost pile, yearly-with fantastic results-he says.

Makes sense to me, since the "heat" is there, and lots of wonderful nutrients readily available. He also plants watermelon in there.

He is an elderly widower, so mostly plants things in one's and two's-so he gets 3 or four different plants on the com. pile.


Greensboro, AL

sallyg: I participated in something like this that was very successful.
I was involved in an archeological excavation in NE Tennessee. What we did was plant pumpkins in our back dirt piles from the excavations.
An archeological site is essentially one big compost pile, where people have lived and deposited garbage over a period of hundreds or thousands of years. So back dirt is very rich. The pumpkins thrived and when they ripened in the fall, nearly every one came up with a pumpkin recipe for using those pumpkins. We raided the cook books in the kitchen. There were only two or three. I found that nearly any recipe for bananas can be used for pumpkin pulp: pumpkin bread, pumpkin pancakes, pumpkin cookies etc. etc. Compost pumpkins are a great idea. And you can use the pumpkins for jack-o-lanterns, when you take out the pulp. Also roast the pumpkin seeds.

Longview, WA(Zone 8b)

I am a part time missionary to Haiti. A great delicacy there is Pumpkin soup. Look on Google for the different recipes.
God Bless.

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