Same plant in differant catagories

Victoria, TX(Zone 9a)

I would like to have some plants in my journal listed in differant catagories at the same time (i.e, a particular bulb listed in both my "Perennials" catgory and my "Bulbs and Corms" catagory. How do I do this?

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

I don't think you can make a single entry exist in more than one category. If you want a plant in multiple categories, you have to clone it which will create a duplicate entry, then you can move the duplicate entry to the other category. But then you have 2 entries not one, not sure if that's something you want or not.

Deep East Texas, TX(Zone 8a)

Don ~ maybe I can help. If you have one item already listed, you will see under the first entry "clone item" and it will then ask you how many clones you want? Do you want to bring all images and entries over? Then, you can go to the new entry by clicking on the clone number at the bottom of page. You can then move it to another category. There may be a "shorter" cut but this is how I have done this....

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

That's exactly how you would create a clone of the entry, you just explained it a little clearer than I did in my post...but I think what Don wanted to do was have only one entry for the plant, but have it show up under both perennials and bulbs categories. Unfortunately you can't do that. Would be nice if you could though, I think that would be a useful feature.

Deep East Texas, TX(Zone 8a)

Yes, I have duplicated a few and just ignore the count...

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

The problem is if you make a clone/duplicate entry, then if you want to add additional info, entries, etc for the plant later you have to make the same entry in both of your clones, otherwise one will have the new info and the other one won't. That's why it would be nice if you could just check off two categories.

Lenexa, KS(Zone 6a)

What I have done is utilized sub-categories. So I have "Perennials" and then "Bulbs/Corms" under that as a sub-category. Unfortunately, when I select the "Perennials" category I don't see any plants as they are all residing in a sub-category. What would be ideal is to see any entries that are in the Perennial category and/or in a sub-category of "Perennials".

Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

That is something I'd like to see too.

Victoria, TX(Zone 9a)

Thanks folks! I guess I'll have to live with the cloning process and making duplicate entries. How can we contact "Dave" and ask him to consider modifying the duplicate entry process?

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

There's a journal wish list thread in this forum, I would add it there. He's been really busy getting the new websites started though so no guarantees on when he might start to get to some of the journal requests.

Nantucket, MA(Zone 7a)

I too would love to have the ability when up dating an entry to have a box to check that says UP DATE ALL CLONES OF THIS ENTRY. That would be so sweet as I spend my life up dating all my clones. Patti

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