Encyclopedia of Life

Many of us are already familiar with Botanicus-

Although I have no idea how the Encyclopedia of Life will ensure the accuracy of entries, the Encyclopedia of Life is being launched and I believe it has an outstanding chance of "evolving" over the years to come. Read more here-

Here is a direct link to the site-

Comprehensive, collaborative, ever-growing, and personalized, the Encyclopedia of Life is an ecosystem of websites that makes all key information about life on Earth accessible to anyone, anywhere in the world. Our goal is to create a constantly evolving encyclopedia that lives on the Internet, with contributions from scientists and amateurs alike. To transform the science of biology, and inspire a new generation of scientists, by aggregating all known data about every living species. And ultimately, to increase our collective understanding of life on Earth, and safeguard the richest possible spectrum of biodiversity.

Many thanks to those who provided the 25 million dollars of "seed" money for this project. I believe it will become an invaluable tool.

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

I've bookmarked it, Thanks.

No. San Diego Co., CA(Zone 10b)

Me too. Thanks for posting this.

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