Brookgreen memories

Georgetown, SC(Zone 8a)

People in my "age" group (boomers) probably remember when there were steps on the stallion statue at the entrance to Brookgreen Gardens? (That's just up the coast from Murrells Inlet for those who've never been.)

I've been taking digital photos of some old family snapshots and there are several like this one of my brother, mother, and me in various combos. I bet I'm not the only one with a collection of these. This is my big brother in 1955 when he was 5 and I was minus 3 months. :)

Thumbnail by DebinSC
Conway, SC

Thought this article might interest you and I well remember those steps at the stallion.They have just redone the entrance way and had the stallion cleaned. However it looks like it has been resilvered. Hope these pictures bring back good memories. It is a beautiful garden. I was raised in Georgetown so we were there quite ofter when I was a child.

Georgetown, SC(Zone 8a)

BSD: A fellow Georgetonian! Me, too. Haven't lived there since 1980, though. We go up a couple of times a year to visit and stay at Pawleys. :)
Going to go look at your link now.

Wharton, TX(Zone 9a)

Debinsc, Ahh, your brother is a doll. I too am a boomer. Those were truely the good old days and I thought I'd never be saying this. I miss them...............

Conway, SC

I'm afraid that some of you gals may be like me and remember Brookgreen from our youth as a sculpture garden which is basically what it was in the '50's. Anytime we had visitors in Georgetown, my family would always carry them to Brookgreen to see the sculptures and the few alligators that swan in a nearby pond. That was basically it. Now it is so beautiful with a variety of gardens and a great visitors center with shops and restaurants. Even a coffee shop in the orginal kitchen.
I took a garden course there a few years ago and was amazed at the changes. The horticulturist there was at Riverbanks Garden in Columbia a few years ago.
If you are in the area, go visit. You won't regret it.

Johns Island, SC

You're right, BSD, the horticulturist at Brookgreen (Jim Martin) WAS at Riverbanks a few years ago. Also spent time at Carolina Nurseries, and Mepkin Abbey, each time leaving them better off than when he arrived. I hate that he's leaving Brookgreen, but a man's gotta do what he's capable of doing, and this guy is capable of a lot! It will be interesting to watch how he navigates the political scene in his new job...we can but hope for the best!

Conway, SC

Tell me it's not true, StonoRiver. Jim Martin is leaving Brookgreen? Where is he going? He has done such a great job. He will definately be missed.

surfside beach, SC(Zone 8b)

I also didn't know that he was leaving.

Before he arrived, Brookgreen was a sculpture garden with great plantings.Now it is a botanical garden.

Politics don't get any worse than at Brookgreen.I have several friends who have worked there and left because of politics.

Where is he going?

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