Just wanted to say HAPPY MOTHERS DAY!!!!

Plainwell, MI(Zone 5b)

If you have kids or a whole yard full of " babies" HAPPY MOTHERS DAY. Hope we all have a very relaxing day with our feet up HUH HUH. Every one is so helpful on this site thanks....

AuGres, MI(Zone 5b)

Thanks gardenlady! Happy Mother's Day to you too. I'm lucky enough to still have my mother. She is 91 and lives with us. My husband and son are taking us out for dinner. My daughter in law is coming with the baby. This is her very first Mother's Day.

Here is a little something to pass along to all the Mothers in your life.

To All The Mothers...

This is for all the mothers who froze their buns off on metal bleachers at football games Friday night instead of watching from cars, so that when their kids asked, "Did you see me?" they could say, "Of course, I wouldn't have missed it for the world," and mean it.
This is for all the mothers who have sat up all night with sick toddlers in their arms, wiping up barf laced with Oscar Mayer wieners and cherry Kool-Aid saying, "It's OK honey, Mommy's here."
This is for all the mothers of Kosovo who fled in the night and can't find their children.
This is for the mothers who gave birth to babies they'll never see. And the mothers who took those babies and made them homes.
For all the mothers of the victims of the Colorado shooting, and the mothers of the murderers. For the mothers of the survivors, and the mothers who sat in front of their TV's in horror, hugging their child who just came home from school, safely.
For all the mothers who run carpools and make cookies and sew Halloween costumes. And all the mothers who DON'T.
What makes a good Mother anyway? Is it patience? Compassion? Broad hips? The ability to nurse a baby, cook dinner, and sew a button on a shirt, all at the same time? Or is it heart? Is it the ache you feel when you watch your son or daughter disappear down the street, walking to School alone for the very first time? The jolt that takes you from sleep to dread, from bed to crib at 2 A.M. to put your hand on the back of a sleeping baby?
The need to flee from wherever you are and hug your child when you hear news of a school shooting, a fire, a car accident, a baby dying?
This is for all the mothers that sat down with their children and explained all about making babies. And for all the mothers who wanted to but just couldn't.
This is for reading "Goodnight, Moon" twice a night for a year. And then reading it again. "Just one more time."
This is for all the mothers who mess up. Who yell at their kids in the grocery store and swat them in despair and stomp their feet like a tired two-year old who wants ice cream before dinner.
This is for all the mothers who taught their daughters to tie their shoelaces before they started school. And for all the mothers who opted for Velcro instead.
For all the mothers who bite their lips -- sometimes until they bleed -- when their 14-year-olds dye their hair green. Who lock themselves in the bathroom when babies keep crying and won't stop.
This is for all the mothers who show up at work with spit-up in their hair and milk stains on their blouses and diapers in their purse. This is for all the mothers who teach their sons to cook and their daughters to sink a jump shot.
This is for all mothers whose heads turn automatically when a little voice calls "Mom?" in a crowd, even though they know their own offspring are at home.
This is for mothers who put pinwheels and teddy bears on their children's graves.
This is for mothers whose children have gone astray, who can't find the words to reach them.
This is for all the mothers who sent their sons to school with stomachaches, assuring them they'd be just FINE once they got there, only to get calls from the school nurse and hour later asking them to please pick them up. Right away.
This is for young mothers stumbling through diaper changes and sleep deprivation. And mature mothers learning to let go. For working mothers and stay-at-home mothers. Single mothers and married mothers. Mothers with money, mothers without. This is for you all. So hang in there.
Please pass along to all the moms in your life. "Home" is what catches you when we fall - and we all fall. PLEASE PASS THIS TO A WONDERFUL MOTHER YOU KNOW.

Author Unknown

La Salle, MI(Zone 5b)

Happy Mothers Day to All you moms :o)


Plainwell, MI(Zone 5b)

Loon you are a true treasure I wish I could meet you in person we need more beautiful souls like your self. Ronna

AuGres, MI(Zone 5b)

Thanks Ronna! Feel free to come visit any time. I'm not sure where Plainwell is but I'm over near the base of the index finger on the hand of Michigan. :)

Mother's Day went great here. We were off to a hurried start. I got Mom's hair rolled up and dressed in her new blouse and then headed out to the deck to cut hubby's hair. When I finally got to my bedroom to get myself ready there sat Mom. She was sitting at my vanity just powdering her face all up.....................with my feminen hygiene powder!! LOL She looked like a ghost. I led her back to her bedroom where we found her compact so she could primp.

We then helped her out of the house. I asked my husband if I needed to take my pocketbook and he said I didn't so I locked the door and almost as soon as I did he spun around and said he had to get his keys. Of course we were locked out of the house. I sat Mom down on a bench while hubby called our son to bring over his extra house key.

Dinner was great at the restaurant. Everyone ate great. My little granddaughter kept everyone entertained with her raident smile. She was waving at everyone. Her mommy had her all dressed up beautiful.

The weather was just perfect. What a wonderful day.

I hope everyone else had a great day too!!


Plainwell, MI(Zone 5b)

Well Brenda not as hectic as yours was. But what a story with your mom lol. Our back yard is nice and shady now with all of the leaves out and I did a lot of sitting and a little weed pulling you know how it is? Just cant stop the weeding even on mother day. But I did get to see all three of the kids. Also the boyfriend I dont care for. But maybe some day she will wake up.... Thats another story. Have a great week Ronna But you are right the weather was georgeous.

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