Wine bottle border

Hulbert, OK(Zone 7a)

Finally, I found the time to make a wine bottle border.

I'm not yet done, but this is what I have completed so far.
Three days of heavy rain makes the perfect ground for digging
and planting big wine bottles neck down into the soil.

Using a long trowel, I dug down far enough to insert the bottles,
neck first, then give it a push to secure it. I then scrunch dirt into
the space around it, and put another bottle next to that one. Continue
the process all the way around the area you desire, walking on each
side of the bottles to pack it in.

I left the labels on because they will come off with the rain, and they
served as measurement as I buried them. I simply used the image
on the side of the bottle as a line to bury so they would be somewhat

The day retired, so I ran out of daylight. Perhaps I'll finish this project this
weekend. It will look better once the labels have worn off and the flowers
fill in. It is still early in the season and not much is blooming yet.

Karen Marie

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