Cleaning my Greenhouse

Victoria, BC(Zone 8a)

This is my 3rd growing season with my glass greenhouse and I REALLY have to clean the glass this year. What's the best product to use. I was just out there spraying it down with something called "Krudkiller" (which is safe for plants) and MAN! It will take me a month to get that thing clean!

Is there an easy way? PLEASE someone... have an easier way! ;-)


I take most of the plants outside, then scrub all the windows with soapy water with added bleach, then I use windex on the windows. I usually do this twice a year.

Victoria, BC(Zone 8a)

Will the bleach and/or windex be harmful to the soil?

All my plants are in pots. I don't get any windex on the soil. I don't think it would hurt anything though.

Victoria, BC(Zone 8a)

Oh ok. I actually put my tomato and cucumber plants right into the soil in the green house, so I was concerned about using things there weren't biodegradable.

Use vinegar and newspapers for the windows.

Springfield, OH(Zone 5b)

Well today we took all the panels out of our greenhouse and srubbed them and the frame down.. Mainly because I need to put them back in with silicone and wanted to start with a clean surface.. but we used Simple Green for the panels and it worked pretty well.. I have poly so I don't need crystal clear results.. I don't htink SG would hurt plants since some people use it as a spray on their plants.. (diluted of course)

Victoria, BC(Zone 8a)

Thanks for your reply Jazz!

Springfield, OH(Zone 5b)


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