Long-suffering citruses - pool water abuse

Mobile, AL

I *think* our pool cleaner got stuck such that it was spraying my *other* poor dwarf citrus tree for an extended period of time. Is there any RX for a plant that's been exposed to pool water?

Mobile, AL

An update: the citruses seem to be doing fine - the leaves that got sprayed are just an interesting silvery color now. I'll post if anything else interesting happens. :)

Topanga, CA

Your post made me think of using hydrogen peroxide to get oxygen to the tree roots, I was thinking you had drowned your trees with pool water...which was not the case on second reading. But in reading the article, linked below, I noticed that hydrogen peroxide also can neutralize chlorine, so one other way it might be helpful if you had a problem.

So, just in case... http://www.hydromall.com/happy_grower19.html

It's information worth having for any gardener.


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