Foxglove How tall is yours?

Nantucket, MA(Zone 7a)

This is part of a group of Camelot that I started from seeds purchased from SWALLOWTAIL GARDEN in 2006. They are shorter than expected (3') rather than 42" to 48".
05-12-06 transplanted seedlings into 4" pots
07-14-06 planted in the lower herb bed
# On Jun 12, 2007, "BLOOM DATE" occurred.

Thumbnail by bbrookrd
Nantucket, MA(Zone 7a)

I should note that the first group 'Alba', were planted under a big tree, but after it flowered in this spring, it died. No leaves, so these are in full sun, as are the 'camelot' bunch. I do have many in the shade garden and they are all in the 3 to 4 foot range. Many have self seeded for years and I just relocate them to where I need them. They always seem to pop up in the pathways in the spring. Patti

Thornton, IL

Patti - Those are gorgeous! I just cut mine back, the spent flower stalks I mean. Did I do the wrong thing? No one ever said if/how to dead head, or did I miss it? Oh well, I will definitely get more for next year. I love them.

Cincinnati (Anderson, OH(Zone 6a)

Hi, all--

Just dropped into 'shady gardens' forum after long absence and after reading all the good info about the foxgloves I realize I should check in more often!

So..., I should be starting more foxglove seeds NOW for bloom next summer, right?

I have some in the garden, but after seeing all your pics, I need MORE! LOL

But yesterday I did break down and purchase (against my "no-plant-buying-rule" this year to only plant flowers I have propagated myself or begged, borrowed or stole) some more of the 'strawberry' kind at Walmart for $4 a gallon pot...couldn't resist having more after Rox_male said her hummingbirds liked them. Pretty cheap for such nice big plants (hope they aren't the 'stocky' kind that Illoquin finds quite abhorent!) LOL

Please keep talking about Digitalis. I am taking it all in! t.

Nantucket, MA(Zone 7a)

Prairegirl, Most digitalis do self seed, but a few are sterile. I don't know which you were growing, but I leave them to self seed. Though some get kind of ratty looking after they bloom, so when I hate the look, I whack those back.

Tabasco, I will start some seed now for next year just in case mine don't self seed. Plus many don't come true, so my all whites could end up being pink which is not the end of the world, as I just move them if I notice that they are in the wrong place. I moved some in full bloom last week when they invaded a hot bed as pink instead of white. They look a little worse for wear after the move, but still reasonable erect and blooming. I am happy that they are no longer next to the bright orange Asiatic lilies which was more than even I could take. Patti

Louisville, KY

Patti your t&m alba are really great. I grew them too. If you look in the back ground of the picture here you can see them. Mine bloomed in early May and are now gone thugh I do have a variety of seedlings sprouting here and there around the garden. I wonder if your cooler temperatures increase the height of your blooms.

Thumbnail by timeinabottle
Nantucket, MA(Zone 7a)

timeinabottle, I have no idea why they got so tall. We did have a cool spring and I did water this new bed more than normal to get all the new kids off to a good start. But time will tell if this was an anomaly, but it is nice to have this big bold group. I like the pinks, like yours, too. Nice picture and don't you love getting new plants for free. Patti

Thornton, IL

tabasco - $4 is a great price for a big one gallon plant, IMO. Besides, rules are made to be broken, esp ones you just made up LOL.

I see I need to get more of these for next year, but I'm reluctantly concluding that I shouldn't hold out hope for the one I have to make a reappearance. Bummer, it's not even in the ground yet, I was widening the bed and got busy with other junk for a time.

Wait til you *see* my new improved shade beds!

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