Our Garden Was Robbed

Los Angeles, CA(Zone 10a)

Hi All!

Today I went to my community garden space on to find that all of the planters, even those with plants had been stolen! Yes my EB's and every other container was taken, including some that had rose bushes given to me by my dear friend Eric, just gone. Those roses were finally starting to do really well and were producing roses like crazy. I am so heart broken. Even our plain black nursery pots were taken, and I had just potted up some new roses. We have a barbed wire fence around the garden, and they were able to tear down part of it to get in.

What kind of people do things like this!?! The only things I have left are a few really heavy planters that I guess was too difficult for them to lift up and over the 8' fence. All of my self watering containers, gone. A lot of things were dumped out of the containers, my lavender eggplant, my papaya pear squash, my big container of garlic. But my roses were taken, my strawberry containers...taken, my celery, gone, my sugar crunch cucumbers, container was taken but cuke plants trampled on.

I am done. I took the 3 containers that were left, and I am done.

This message was edited May 8, 2007 4:36 PM

Montgomery, AL

Oh how terrible Kanita I am sorry. Dont give up! Dont let them get the best of you! they were just some jerks out getting their kicks! I wish I could do something for you to take away the pain and misery these jerks did! Dont give up!
Best wishes, Cindy

Melbourne, FL

That's an awful thing to have happen....sorry to hear it.

Carmichael, CA

Oh my...I am so sorry. I cannot even comprehend what would make anynone do such a thing...had to be more than one person.

I would put an add on craigslist in the general area every few days and explain what was missing, even offer a reward. I would call the news stations. Since this is a community garden, there is no way one of them won't come out.

Are you going to contact the police? I know it won't be high on their list...but still.

Are finances an issue? I would be happy to share seed of what I have...good luck.

Rome, GA(Zone 7b)

I'm sorry to hear this Kanita, but don't let them beat you. Small security cameras are very cheap these days. If there's electricity and an internet connection anywhere close by there, setup a camera, put out something apealing and catch them on camera. The same way you'd catch any pest messing with your plants, a little bait and then smack them once you've caught them in the act.

Use infrared to get them in the dark or a light with a motion detector.

A setup to do this shouldn't cost more than a few hundred dollars, could be shared amongst the members and has justice on its side :)

Danbury, CT(Zone 6a)

Kanita, I'm so sorry about your garden. It makes me angry and I know how angry you are right now. We don't know each other, but I've read a lot of your postings. And I know how much you love your garden and how much it means to you. Don't let some messed up person(s) ruin what you've been working so hard for. Your garden is a beautiful thing. It really is a great accomplishment. I'm sure, what you've done there, has touched the people, the good people of that community. Don't pack it up and go home.

Columbia, MO(Zone 5b)

I agree with everyone else, don't give up! Treat them like the pests they are (imagine giant slimy slugs - all mouth and no brain) and squash them like you would any other bug. Call the local TV stations and newspapers. I bet they would love to get their hands on a story like this one! Also call some of the local garden centers. I bet you could get them to donate plants and planters if you explain that it is a community garden and what has happened. I know nothing can replace the wonderful plants that were given to you by friends. You can however use this as an opportunity to create an even stronger garden community that will bring you all together and possibly make new friends along the way.

Turlock, CA(Zone 9a)

I am so sorry that you had to go through that, I've been a victim of 'plant piracy' and i know how it feels! Like others have said, don't let the slugs win! My advice would be get one of those motion detecting impact head sprinklers [ Scare Crow is the name] and to also publish what happened to your garden like others have said.
The *only* fight I ever got into in my life was when I was a twenty something and, after numerous other offences to my home, this gal knocked over one of my plants. Let's just say that I won...

San Francisco Bay Ar, CA(Zone 9b)

So sorry to hear about the theft kanita. Don't give up on your garden! Sounds like the thieves were looking for items they could sell at a flea market or such since they took mostly containers and potted plants. Plant your roses and vegies in the ground and surround it with bird netting. Yes, they can cut the netting, but it may not be worth the hassle to them.

We had a lot of crop theft last fall. Someone stole all twenty of my ripening tomatoes and mowed down the basil. We surround out bed in bird netting when the harvest time approaches. It slows down the theif and makes our crop less attractive.

Brimfield, MA(Zone 5a)

Hi Kanita,

I'm sorry to hear that your plants were stolen. I would love to send you some of my heirloom tomato plants. Would you be willing to stick some in those 3 black pots you have left?? I'm sure others will offer up plants too. Let me know and I will get them out to you ASAP. Don't you dare let those thiefs stop you from gardening. Never give up. I have ten I can send to you for a start. :)

Your gardening friend,

Los Angeles, CA(Zone 10a)

Hi All:

Thanks so much for your understanding and support, and most of all for letting me vent yesterday.

GiddyMom and Megan, I really appreciate the seed offer and the plant offer. I have plenty of seeds, I am just not sure right now that I want to put anymore time or effort into this garden. I was trying to continue to support this garden because it is in such an unpleasant area, and because the gentleman who started it really needed the help. When the subject of it going up for sale came up, I didn't want to abandon it even though I found another garden who had space for me which was much bigger. I didn't want to seem like I was turning my back on the smaller garden that needed my help more, but it has become more of a chore than a pleasure the last couple of months.

I am the only one, who really takes care of the garden. Pruning and feeding the roses, trying to weed and water all of the raised beds, buying pallets of garden soil and fertilizer, which by the way, this mornign when I went back I realized that they stole all of that as well. Brand new bags of Miracle Grow Organic Garden Soil. I tried to go back this moring with a positive outlook like, "Well, I guess I just won't use and containers here", but when I realized the garden soil was gone as well, I just felt sick all over again.

I just don't know if its worth it to go back.


Carmichael, CA


please consider contacting the authorities, news, local online venues like craigslist, etc...I have no doubt if you made this public, local centers would help replacing things. Even if you do leave, it would put the awareness out there and maybe bring more people to the gardens. Going to another garden is fine and totally understandable...but don't let this nasty deed make you give up...get the news out there...it will at least make other public gardens aware of the threat as well...

Southern Mountains, GA(Zone 6b)

So sorry for your loss. Since you have an alternative, I would move on if it were me. But I would also follow the advice given by others and contact the media. This is the kind of human interest story they would probably love to give some publicity to.

Audubon, PA(Zone 6b)

Kanita.... I am indeed sorry for you. We applauded all your efforts in that garden. You have done SO MUCH good for your community!! I agree that you should contact local Police & media to get your story out. Never know who might step up & lend a hand or help support your tireless efforts.

Best of luck.... please do not be downhearted,

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

just want t o add my sympathies. that is so discouraging/ frustrating.
Edit- I just read the other thread with the background story. You really worked so hard for that. It is so sad. Hopefully some of those 92 plus teens that helped one day, will walk by and say- remember when we helped there, and the nice people that ran it? and I learned something about plants that day.

This message was edited May 12, 2007 8:03 AM

Los Angeles, CA(Zone 10a)

Thanks everyone! I am just going to put my energy into the new garden space. Mr. Jones who runs the garden doesn't seem to care since none of his tools were missing, which are kept in the shed. He hasn't even been to the garden in forever. I have been trying to maintain the whole thing by myself, and in looking at a lot of things, I am seeing that maybe this isn't the place for me. All of the garden soil and compost and things I have been buying, I found out that he has been getting his monthly allowance since I talked to our city Council Woman, and he has not once ever offered to reimburse me for some of the money I have spent, he has not added anything to garden at all! Where does that money go? No improvements, no new soil, all new plants and roses and such have been purchased by me. Material to build new beds, purchased by me, and that does not seem fair. I used to be happy when I went there, now I'm just sad and miserable. I think its time to move on.

Manning, SC(Zone 8a)

I'm so sorry for you Kanita. It makes you feel terrible about your fellow human beings. I felt the same way a few years ago, when I put together a lovely big planter full of flowers and put it on the grave of a special friend. When I went to water it the next day, someone had stolen it. And this was in a small and lovely old New England town. It was just SO not right. Who could steal flowers from a cemetery??? It hurt deeply and I'll never forget the feeling of despair I had for all of humankind. You must feel pretty much the same way, but I hope that all these kind notes from so many people will help you to realize that there are some wonderful, caring, kind people out there. You need to find a place to grow your lovely plants (don't give that up!!) and get your smile and your faith back. Best of luck and God bless......

Pelzer, SC(Zone 7b)

Kanita, you did the best you could, and now it's time to move on. I know it hurts, and that a part of you still wants to keep trying, but It just isn't worth it. I think you will be much happier when you start anew. I know it seems that you have wasted your time, but it wasn't wasted. It is spring, and time to grow NEW things, in a new place. My thoughts are with you, wishing you sunny skies and gentle rain and breezes.

Los Angeles, CA(Zone 10a)

Thank you Margo & Thea. Everyone's kind words has really helped me a lot as I had initially decided to give gardening period until I was able to purchase my own home. But reading everyones posts gave me the incentive to at least continue to garden at my new space until I am able to buy my own home.

Thea you're right, I did and still do feel a great deal of despair, but I am going to do my best to get over that and enjoy my new space that is beautiful. Unfortunately, I am quite paranoid about my things now, but I am trying to keep in mind that physical things are not every thing.

Thanks to Larry and lots of other generous DG'ers, I have plenty of seeds left over to start anew, and it is still early enough in the season to replace the seedlings I lost. I had trays of them at the garden that were taken as well.

At my new space I have been contributing to the development of a childrens garden were kids from the neighboorhood will get to come in, see thing growing, start their own seeds and take their seedlings home on some items, other we will tie name tags to them once they start growing and the kids can come and see how big their things are growing from time to time. It is aimed at kindergarten aged kids, and once the kids come for the first time, I am sure it will erace everything that has happened.


Montgomery, AL

I am so happy to hear that you didn't give up and decided to start another garden! I think it is wonderful what you are doing for the kids! Just Awesome!
I am sure once the kids see their seeds grow, they will be so excited! I am sure they will want to do again! I wish I was able to send you seeds for your new garden, but I dont have any, and have just bought flower plants for my patio.
I am in the same boat you are in, waiting to buy own place.
I would still call the local authorities and the news media to alert them of what happened to you, And when your new garden cames in, I would do the same and contact the media to say here is what came out of what those creeps did to my first garden, and let them know as well, what you have done with including the kids with your new garden. I just think that is so awesome that you took the time to include the kids in your new garden, and teaching them how to plant, and they will get a kick out of wacthing it grow! Who knows, in the future we may see them here at
Dave's Garden!
That is just Awesome!

Columbia, MO(Zone 5b)

Kanita, I am so happy that you were able to look past the terrible experience that you just went through and have found a new place to garden. It sounds like a wonderful place and I am sure you will enjoy your time there. I was thinking about you today as I piddled around in the garden and realized how I much pleasure I get from a new bloom or a new leaf on something, or even just sitting down and watching the butterflies and bees going about their daily business. This will be a good thing for you, just wait and see! :^)

Los Angeles, CA(Zone 10a)

Thanks Lil Beans & Tetleytuna. I have plenty of seeds, thank you for thinking of me, its just that I wish I had more time to restart them. I had this new space before this happened, but I was just trying to reamain loyal to the first garden since there was no one taking care of it, and because it was my first garden and I loved it and had put so much time into making it beautiful. Now I am actually putting more focus on this new garden and making it my new "home". It's just that there are a lot of rules at this new garden that I did not have at the other one. No soaker hoses allowed, no potted fruit trees allowed, etc. So its an adjustment.

Montgomery, AL

You will be fine. You will be used to those "adjustments before you know it! I am sure your garden is just going to gorgeous! Best of luck to you & all the kids! Keep us informed on how it is going!
God bless & take care

Longview, WA(Zone 8b)

Look in this forum for Haybale gardening. You can grow a garden in hay bales. They will be impossible to move once they are wet. No one would want to steal them, besides you don't have to bend over to weed.
I have planted about 6 so far this year, in my back yard, tomatoes, beans, peas, salad greens, etc. I will forward a picture when they get to growing.
God Bless.

Los Angeles, CA(Zone 10a)

Thanks LoneJack, I will look into it.


Lawrenceville, GA(Zone 7b)

Hi Kanita:

Too bad about your misfortune. But someone will have to deal with our old friend Karma!

I have some leftover seedlings if you need some plants. They are kind of mature but still plantable. Let me know if you need anything


Los Angeles, CA(Zone 10a)

Thanks so much BB. I have replaced a lot of what I lost and planted them in my new garden. I really appreciate your offer.

Rutland , MA(Zone 5b)

i just saw this thread and am so sorry for what was done to your garden. it never shocks me to learn the evil some people can do. i am glad that you got a new garden and i hope we will be able to see pictures of it soon.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Ohh. :-(


I just found this also, after reading your mention of it on the other thread. (BTW, Frank, check out photos and reports on her new space and the amazing things she's done there, http://davesgarden.com/forums/t/627170/#new)

I can only imagine your frustration and heartbreak, and it does sound like it's time to move on. I'm glad you've got your new garden area, and I'm delighted that you're already doing an outreach/kid project there -- you go, girl!

Something is really not right with Mr. Jones, either... I understand that you might be reluctant to report his nonuse or misuse of funds, but I would at least suggest gathering your receipts for the items you purchased for garden improvement... Make copies and submit them formally to Mr. Jones with a total $ amount and a note requesting reimbursement from the city funds that he's been receiving. Maybe he's just been waiting for you to ask (nice to think so, anyway). You might also make a separate request for reimbursement of some of your stolen items -- if any of his tools had been stolen, I'd bet he would be quick to replace them with city funds.

Los Angeles, CA(Zone 10a)

Thanks Critter!

You're right, if any of his tools were missing, that would have been another story. He insisted that I not call the police and waste their time with this matter. Basically, he didn't want it to get back to the council woman, why I don't know. Everybody here knows how much Earthboxes cost and the really large other planters that I had, not to mention the bag of Miracle Grow potting soil that I had just purchased. Looking at my receipts, I am out of about $300+ dollars.

Besides that, I am tired of having to rush out of the garden the minute it gets slightly dark outside. The local drug dealers and gang bangers will come to the garden gate and yell at me that its time for me to go, that things were getting ready to get ugly and that I should leave and not get caught in the middle. I think I am just over it all and I feel bad like I'm turning my back on the garden because i know no one else is going to take care of that garden like I did, but I am just not happy there any longer.

Montgomery, AL

Hi Kanita

I am so sorry for all your time trouble in doing a most wonderful project for your community and the kids, and that it is just not recognized for how it should of been. I just want to say that you are an AWESOME person who has given up so much of your time to give back to your community and the kids. Not to many people would even consider doing what you have done! I agree with you tho, if those kind of people are hanging out there, you most definetly DO NOT need to get caught up in the middle. There is no reason for you to feel like you are turning your back on the garden or the kids(although if I was in your position, I would feel the same way, it is only human) cause if it wasnt for you, there would not of been another garden. I highly respect the person you are and the wonderful things you have done for your community and the kids! It takes courage and guts, especially with all the obstacles you have had to face! I am so sorry you are no longer happy there, but I certainly can understand why!
You are a Great person inside and out!
God will bless you in many ways for all your hard work!.
You Go Girl!

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

I think you're wise to remove yourself from a situation that seems to be becoming more dangerous as well as unpleasant. I suspect Mr. Jones didn't want a police report to get back to the councilwoman because then there might be an inquiry as to how that city money was being spent... I'd file a report, because if nothing else you might be able to get some reimbursement from those funds, and it seems to me that Mr. Jones should be accountable for the money that's coming in. But I wouldn't blame you if you just washed your hands of the whole affair without any further followup just so you're finished with a stressful situation.

It stinks that the property was sold, and it stinks that your efforts to continue something there until development actually began were for naught, and it really stinks that some losers robbed and wrecked the place... but don't lose track of all the good things you did there because things went badly at the end.

Your tried to do something good with that garden, and you succeeded! Don't let its demise detract from your accomplishments there, or from the joy you used to get from it. The kids who showed up and helped on your big work day there will always have the memory of that... and they're from that neighborhood, so they know it wasn't your fault the garden isn't flourishing any more... heck, they're probably amazed you stuck it out as long as you did, and there's a lesson for them in that also.

Meanwhile, your new garden looks awesome, and I hope you've found a community of like-minded people among your fellow gardeners there.

Montgomery, AL

Amen! Critter said it all!

Los Angeles, CA(Zone 10a)

Thanks lil beans.

Thanks Critter.

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