Jackmanii: 4 petals or 6 petals?

Lakes of the Four Se, IN(Zone 5a)

I've noticed that some Jackmanii plants produce blossoms having 6 petals; whereas other plants produce blossoms having only 4 petals. I had always just assumed that the 4-petal version was an older cultivar, but I'm really not sure. I know that most (if not all) of you are clematis experts, and I'm hoping that one or more of you can shed some light on this. I currently have the 6-petal variety in my garden, but would like to grow the 4-petal variety.

Thanks in advance.

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

According to Clematis on the Web..Clematis "Jackmanii" can have 4 or 6

Lakes of the Four Se, IN(Zone 5a)

Jeanne, thanks very much. This is all so interesting! I really like the specimen in Mike Denny's photo.

Tulsa, OK(Zone 7a)

I have two jackmaniis that are five or six years old. Both of the vines produce flowers with four petals. This photo was taken this morning. The petals seem to form a square.

Thumbnail by Rocco
Lakes of the Four Se, IN(Zone 5a)

Rocco, thanks for sharing your beautiful photo. I really like the square effect of the 4 petals.

Tulsa, OK(Zone 7a)

I posted a picture of my 'square' jackmanii earlier and now my second one is blooming. Most of the blooms have four petals like the earlier photo but a few of the blooms have five petals. The blooms with five petals are quite a bit larger than the ones with four petals. My two jackmanii plants have bloomed for many years but I have never seen five petal blooms on either one. It is possible that this plant has produced these blooms before and I had never noticed.

Thumbnail by Rocco
Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Rocco..are you sure that your clematis isn't "Jackmanii Superba"?...Jeanne

Tulsa, OK(Zone 7a)

The plant is about five years old. I have the tag in my files that was supplied with the clematis and lists it as a jackmanii. The clematis started blooming two days ago and has twelve blooms and quite a few that haven't opened. Ten of the blooms have four petals and two have five petals. All of the four petal blooms are identical to the one that I posted on 10 May from another jackmanii but smaller. It seems like an oddity to me.

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

"Jackmanii Superba" has a red bar whereas "Jackmanii" doesn't..that is why I thought the supplier might have mislabeled yours...Jeanne

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