Good flowers to plant with Cannas

Columbus, GA(Zone 5b)

and does anybody know a good organic "recipe" for fertilizer for canna? I just planted my first tubalers this year and want to make sure they are well fertilize, and would love to companion plant some other plants with them? Thank you I am zone 6

Champaign, IL

I've found in the past that by adding a little bone meal and blood meal does help makng a greaner leaf and beutiful flower as well.

Columbus, GA(Zone 5b)

Thank you, I will go get some today, I had a few of my tubalrs dug up by oppussum os hopefulyl the other ones will bloom, how much do you lay down?

And once again thank you

Clemmons, NC(Zone 7b)

I just mix whatever, and I've never burned my plants with bone or blood meal mixed with peat and composted manure (I also use Plant tone until I've used all I have, it's not organic, but it is all natural)

Seems like you can't overdo it with organic stuff, I would just read the label of whatever you end up getting. You can also make "tea" by adding a cup of each to a big jug w/ a lid. Leave it in the sun and shake every so often for a couple days-plants love it.

Champaign, IL

I've used bone meal and blood meal on everything, including but not limited to tomatoe plants. Last year mine grew 10 foot tall, I had to keep trimming the leaves off, but from 10 tomatoe plants we harvested probably 20 bushels of tomatoes, and before the first frost we pick a bushel of green tomatoes to store them, had ripe tomatoes for Christmas Dinner.

(Tammie) Odessa, TX(Zone 7b)

How do you store them and then get them ripe for later? My mother would love to know. She ends up tossing lots of green ones when the weather finally gets cold.


Champaign, IL

I just wrap up my green tomatoes in aluminum foil or I have used brown paper sacks to wrap them and place the tomatoes in a sunny window. They ripen just fine for me.

Champaign, IL

We are creating a community garden in Champaign Illinios (zone 5). We are adding a cutting bed to our garden 8ftX400 ft for our seniors to be able to come and cut flowers for their homes. Does anyone have seeds or plants they would care to donate to such a project.

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