Dwarf Narcissus Baby Moon

Beachwood, OH

Anybody know anything about dwarf Daffodils and if they like something out of the ordinary? I planted 50 Baby Moon 2 yrs ago, last yr no blooms at all, and this year foliage in every clump again, but no blooms except in 1 location that opened this week. They are way later than Tete-aTete, which I'm glad since all my other daffs are completely gone now. Van Engelens lists them as one of the latest daffs - in May but this seems really late to me

I'm linking a photo from Van Engelen http://www.vanengelen.com/catview.cgi?_fn=Item&_recordnum=8034&_category=Narcissi:Jonquilla

Beachwood, OH

DO I have to pretend to be sick to get some attention around here? Daaaaave, c'mon, I had a serious gardening question~!!!! : )

Springfield, MA(Zone 6a)

I don't know about your particular daf, but my poet's daf have just emerged and haven't started forming their blossoms. They are a very late daf as well - I don't expect blossoms until June.

Beachwood, OH

I had no idea any daffs where that late

Southern, CT(Zone 6a)

Aly, I have no information to give, but if anyone would know about dwarfs (dwarves?) it would be Seandor.

Springfield, MA(Zone 6a)

Actually, I am a rookie - but I am learning :-). Tolkien has it dwarves.

Beachwood, OH

We have poeticus daffs blooming here now in zone 5 - maybe you have a pretty protected spot where you live that causes them to be so late. Far as I know the Erichleer is the very latest daff - almost summer time. I keep saying I'm going to get some so at least part of my daffs aren't beaten down by rain, snow, wind, hail, and falling sticks which always seem to have them bent over on the ground before we can enjoy them

Springfield, MA(Zone 6a)

Well, you are right- the poet dafs are in a protected area - they are just starting to form their blossoms.

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