Clematis combinations

Belgium, WI(Zone 5a)

This weekend I finished installed a willow screening fence to hide the propane tank in our yard. I had originally planned on planting two clematis on it, and they are ordered to be delivered when I'm back from a trip next week. Now that the fence is up, though, I think I need a third. The two clematis I have coming are a guernsey cream and a viticella Hanna. This area is partly shaded so I do need something that will tolerate that condition. So one option for a third clematis would be to add another guernsey cream, but it almost seems criminal to me to buy two of one variety when there are so many fantastic clematis out there.

So I'm interested in opinions on what would look nice with that combination. Thanks!

Tulsa, OK(Zone 6b)

Silver Moon need shade. There's several others.


Thumbnail by baja220
Tulsa, OK(Zone 6b)

Alabast Poulala also, but it may be look too close to Guernsey Cream. Someone will come on with suggestions.


Thumbnail by baja220
Belgium, WI(Zone 5a)

Thanks for the suggestions. I do like alabast quite a bit ....

I'm thinking maybe about a deep purple that will bloom at the same time as the guernsey ... what does anyone think about that?

Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

Welcome to the Clematis Forum Twonewfs!

Both Guernsey Cream (Group 2) and Viticella Hanna.(Group 3) are both beautiful Clematises. However, I would plant Guernsey Cream in part-shade because she will get bleached out by the sun. Viticellas need full sun in order to flower profusely. Therefore, I would not plant these two together. I would choose a different Clematis to grow with Guernsey Cream, preferrably another Group 2 vine and same thing with your Viticella. It makes things easier if you don't combine planting groups. If you decided to mix two different groups together, then I would treat both as a Group 3 (hard prune), which will sacrifice some of the earlier blooms on your Group 2 vine.

Belgium, WI(Zone 5a)

Thanks Shirley. Hmmm the nursery I ordered them both from seemed to thing the viticella would do fine in the part shade location, but I definitely see your point. I actually just ordered a Hagley Hybrid, which I thought would go nicely with the guernsey for the little bit they will bloom together create a different look in that area when guernsey is done blooming early. I'll just have to find a different spot for that viticella. think that's a good plan?

And thanks for the welcome ... I've been reading for awhile but just this week decided to pony up the cash and join so I can post.

No. San Diego Co., CA(Zone 10b)

I would love to see the willow screen fence. Our propane tank is such an eyesore.

Belgium, WI(Zone 5a)


As soon as I get the bed planted I'll take some pictures. Anything is better than the propane tank as far as I'm concerned.

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