
Sautee Nacoochee, GA(Zone 7a)

(wow, I forget some of the excellent threads here at Daves, there are SO many !)

Anyone have experinece with some of teh newer cultivar of Huechera(or even heucherella)? I have a Purple Passion, it's OK .. I am tickering with teh idea of getting multiples of some of teh Awesome colors I saw in Wayside gardens' catalogue, namely :
Sparkling Burgundys, Peach Flambe, Marmelade and Stoplight.(and mabye that frilly one!)
Some of them need partial sun, but some will take partial shade . I have alil of each area to try to dress up. Foundation plantings I'm going to run some drip irrigation thru , becuase my 4' overhang keeps it Dry!!
( I wish I could get Mona Lavender and heucheras from a single site that didnt cost more than teh plants to ship! oy!)
To place under or around them, I'm needing ideas for non-veracious ground cover (like lamium?) and some other partial sun - shade/partial shade lovers such as :
Lungworts : excalibur or some of teh newer slug resistants
brunerra: I really liek Jack Frost And Looking Glass!
plectranthuses ?

I'd take any experience on huecheras.... and ideas for foundation plants to match em! (behind, in front... Im open for suggestions )

Thank You!

Gent, Belgium(Zone 8a)

Hi, Ninian,

Do you know there is a special forum for Huechera ?
I'm sure you will get a lot of inspiration there.

Sautee Nacoochee, GA(Zone 7a)

err, umm.. No.
I do NOW tho... Thank You!

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