Indoor Vegetable Productions

Kansas City, MO

Is anyone here working with a green house that is lighted and heat/air conditioned? I'm turning a garage that is about 20 feet by 12 feet into a grow room. I've ventilated it, been adding lights and hydroponics etc.

I'm having some issues with the broccoli I've started. The hydroponic unit I have them in is supposed to cycle the nutrient solution through it 24/7. But it splatters too much water on the leaves no matter what I do. The leaves look a little bit like they have rust on them. But I have them planted in coconut fiber mixed with vermeculite and perlite. The coconut fiber makes the solution brown. So I don't know if I need to worry about the discoloration or not.

I have started shutting the system off for a few hours a few times per day so that the leaves will have time to dry off without the roots drying out before I turn it on again. Does anyone know how much water broccoli can tolerate on the leaves?


Thumbnail by suzimcmullen
Ijamsville, MD(Zone 6b)

Hi Suzi,

You might want to post this in the Hydroponic forum. If the leaves are not damaged but just discolored you might be okay. What else are you growing in there? Any pictures of your set up I would love to see your garage.


Kansas City, MO

I have lots and lots of pictures on my garden blog. You can scroll to the bottom and click the archive links back to the end of March which is when I started cleaning out the garage for use. A long the way I took a lot of pictures. I have more that I took today and will add them to my blog sometime today.

I have been able to save most of the broccoli that was splashed too much. But some of them didn't make it and all were stunted. I have figured out that the key is to wait until they are taller and have better root systems before putting them into that system. Also, I replaced some of the dead ones with some great tomato starts that had huge roots and they are growing very well.

I have strawberries from bare roots in the room, some zinnia, spinach and tiny new strawberry plants from seed. Mostly, I plan to learn how to grow all the things we eat the most of in this family.. spinach, broccoli, cauliflower etc. I could live forever on my greens.


Ijamsville, MD(Zone 6b)

Thanks Suzi - I will wander over to your blog. Lots of trial and error I am sure.

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