Starting cannas indoorsbottom heat or light?

Painesville, OH(Zone 5b)

Which one is more important? How long does it take for them to eye up? What does the soil temp need to be to put them outside? How about nighttime temps? thanks for answering my newbie questions! Tamara

This message was edited May 6, 2007 10:26 AM

Hi Tamara
I nicked my seeds and soaked for 3 days. Changed the water everyday. They grew tiny tails. I put them in those little Jiffy peat Pellets that you add water to and they pop up. I put them under a regular florescent light about 3 inches from the soil. They sprouted in about a week. As they grew I moved the light up above them. When they were about 4 inches tall I moved them to the garden. They have been outside for about 2 weeks. Most are growing tall - fighting the bug war, though.

Hope this helps.

Painesville, OH(Zone 5b)

These aren't seeds...they are tubers/bulbs. They are dormant now. Tamara

Sorry, misunderstood.
I planted my tubers directly outside in the ground once danger of frost has past. They have been in the ground for about 2 weeks. They are about 3 inches tall. They grow fast. I just have to keep insect dust on mine or the bugs start eating them.

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