Can I use my rose chemicals on JMs?

Caseyville, IL(Zone 6a)

Can I spray my JMs with Banner Max and Compass? I have these as preventatives for my roses but have no idea of what I may be up against with all of the brown wilted leaves and branches on my maples.

Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

The only time I've ever used a rose product with a maple was a systemic fungicide because it was getting mildew - finally had to move it into more sun.

If you are worried about treating disease I like this site very well.

Caseyville, IL(Zone 6a)

thanks, Ihave to start spraying my roses and I was hoping I could use the same chemicals.There's never been any disease on my JMs but I have a lot of damaged material on them right now from alate extended hard freeze.The trees were fully leafed out when they were frozen.These are my first maples,I guess I'm kinda "maple illiterate" still.

Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

I was wondering if the damage might be from the late freeze. I imagine that some will say not to feed them this spring when they are under stress. We'll have to see what people weigh in with. I don't feed mine so someone else will have to tell you what to use. Mountain Maples recommends Dynagro 7-9-5 for potted trees but I imagine any well-balanced fertilizer will do. I wouldn't use rose fertilizer with any disease or pest control in it though. Wait to cut back anything that has been damaged by the freeze until you are really sure that it won't come back.

Walhalla, SC

I would have to say no on the use of chemicals unless it is clear that there is some type of disease present. JMs don't generally take herbicides as well as other trees, and I doubt that they like fungicides very much either. Refrain unless you see anything that resembles a fungus or disease.

As far as the fertilizer, if you do use any I would stick with a low nitrogen type like doss mentioned. But, I don't think it will be necessary unless they are potted up.

Lexington, KY

If you have Japanese Beetles in your area, the Bayer Advanced 3 in 1 used as a soil drench will prevent the critters from defoliating your JMs. Use the Bayer product that covers the whole season, not the one that lasts for six weeks. You do not spray it on the foliage.


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