my peppers

Groveton, NH

i started peppers 3/15, got them on a heat mat on 3/22 (got my supplies) and yet they are 2". used a soilless mix, kept under lights 14-16 hrs., kept them at 60-70 F. i am in zone 4. my target is to be ready for memorial day. did i start them too late? my info was to start them 10 -12 weeks before the last frost free day for my zone (ei. may 30th.) would like your opinion. how can i kick start them to get some size for my deadline weather permitting . thanks mo

Southern, CT(Zone 6a)

Have you given them fertilizer (half strength)

Groveton, NH

no i have not. info i got say that i should hold back. maybe i should have started them 12-16 weeks before memorial day week-end which is ground zero. i 'll give them fish /em. fertilizer. and this week i start the cucumber/melon/squash family. thanks for your input i really appreciate it. mo

Southern, CT(Zone 6a)

You are welcome!
My understanding is that there is no nutrition in seed starting mix. This is fine for a while because the seed carries it's own nutrition, but I think you're ready for some. Or you could transplant them into soil.

Groveton, NH

thanks dave. i will begin fish emulsion. but still i think i'll start them a bit earlier next year. today they and the tomato seedlings got more sun that i would have wanted them to. although my babies did not wilt, they seemed to have gotten a bit of a sunburn. one more question on pepper/ tomato seedlings. how often do i feed ei. fertilize them? thanks. mo

Seed starting soil does not have any nutrition. I take seedlings and put them in soil and use some Osmocote. After they get two branches then I boost the fertilizer up which is 20-20-20. They get it every 4th watering. Fertilizer depends on what kind you use. Fish emulsion - I do not know what to do with that.

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

We use very weak Miracle Gro solution once they have their true first set of leaves. You'll find they tend to put on a lot of growth once they get going - like teenage boys.

Commercial GH.

Sorry - I should of stated that, as they need more, as they are in a GH. Depending on the sun and heat, they get fertilized about every other day. Every 4th watering.

If you are not in a GH - you could burn all your plants up - Don't do that!

Brockton, MA(Zone 6a)

I use soil-less mix to start my seed. Once they have some 'true' leaves I start fertilizing. The peppers take their time, don't get discouraged. Like Pirl said, "once they get going....".
Plants can get sun burn just like us, go easy at first. A shady spot out of the wind is best for the first outing. I like under a tree just starting to leaf out, dappled shade.
Andy P

Groveton, NH

thank you all of you for your input. i will change my ways this day and use some week fertilizer. yes i have fish emulsion (smells really fishy) miracle grow ( which my now deceased dad would swear by) and osmocote granules. yes, you are right. as young plants even tomato plants can get sunburns. later as adults they must endure it. i have a (gronhaus) which is now a days called a grower house. it has a whitish, almost see-through type of tarp called something like solaron(?). poly, is much clearer and found in most conventional greehouses. once again thank you.

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Good luck.

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