bat guano

Sautee Nacoochee, GA(Zone 7a)

hey folks!,
Bats have moved into the bathouse we erected to keep them from going under our human- house siding. Now I have a steadily increasing mound of bat poo! Its not a huge amount, but I probably get a cup a week out of it.
My question is: How does one use it? Do I have to put it in my pile and let it rot? Whats the Best use for it? Flowers better than veggies?

(and should I now make them a lil bat-condo?? ) :D


Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Congrats on bat success- I thought I heard many do not get bats in their houses.
I would probably just scratch it in to various spots in the garden.
Since you have the bats, I think it would be great if you could expand actually and build the colony!

Danielsville, GA(Zone 7b)

I have been kicking the idea around, about putting the bat houses above my compost pile.The area is in the shade, and I have bats in an old barn near the compost pile, so whats to hurt???Might get lucky, and have the best of both worlds, bats, and worms. Mike

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

sounds ideal

Sautee Nacoochee, GA(Zone 7a)

(hears Mike start humming..' compost and wormies and bats, Oh My!')
LOL, I aint right.
Im wondering if I were to move the house, if te bats woudl find it . Maye to teh tree just 5 across from it?.. Its not teh most pleasant thing to have a pile of bat poo 3 feet from teh basement door... but thats where the lil bugger swhere burrowing under the siding.
Now if I could get them started in THAT location... mabye I could build on and have a lil bat commune!
I wish they'd eat those huge, vicious european hornets. Ive started going after them with badmitten rackets....

Salt Lake City, UT(Zone 6a)

I had heard that if you "soak" it (the bathouse) in guano that they find the house easier. I have been "soaking" mine for a year just need to get it hung up - how high did you put it? I just sat the house down upside down in a plastic bag and poured store bought guano in and sealed the bag - if you use "fresher" guano you may have more luck.......compost, wormies and bats........ indeed......I shall not covet my neighbors bats, I shall not covet my neighors bats......

Sautee Nacoochee, GA(Zone 7a)

gosh, if others heard what we gardeners mumble under our breath... Aahahahahah...

Soak it? I hope that helps. I am trying desperately to get the mental vision of you opening that bag after all this time.WHEW!! Even if it IS dry-like..omigosh its gunna reek. How big is yours?

We put the bat house up just Under where they had been crawling inunder our siding. About 11 feet high, facing East. You see, ever since first constructing our home, a ' maternity' colony has been using or trying to use it. We sealed the siding with more than insulation , and hoped that they would use this offering!
I'ts far preferable to walking downstairs to hear the tell-tale "thump, thump,flutterswish!,thump!" of a bat your now gunan have to find and net.....

Hmm.. I need to find some kinda catch container to put under teh house. Sweeping it up means I sacrifice a broom...


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