First few attempts at containers

Discovery Bay, CA(Zone 9b)

Here are my first few attempts are some container combinations. I've tried planting in pots in the past, but it was usually a single plant or just random plantings. Trying to "thrill, fill, spill" concept I picked up from the Forum.

A dahlia relative, lily, Coleus, Million bells, Creeping Jenny and sweet potato. Didn't really fill the pot here like I should have. The lily will be ready for a replacement soon.

Thumbnail by cfarm
Discovery Bay, CA(Zone 9b)

A second attempt with a Banana, Coleus, a Fuchsia hybird, sweet potato and Million bells. Starting to fill in, but maybe I need to plant a little heavier initially. Not sure the banana is going to get enough sun here as it's leaning toward the light after being here a few weeks.

Thumbnail by cfarm
Discovery Bay, CA(Zone 9b)

A little trio of two types of Coleus and Petunia.

Thumbnail by cfarm
Discovery Bay, CA(Zone 9b)

This urn looked awesome when I put it together, but it was getting dark at the time. In better light I think I went a little too heavy on the green. Maybe I should restrict my planting to daylight hours. LOL.

Cordyline, Ornamental pepper, Strobilanthus, Creeping Jenny, Huchera, Petunia and Coleus for a focal point in the middle. The colors on the Coleus are not really showing well here, but it's a winner.

This message was edited May 4, 2007 11:08 AM

Thumbnail by cfarm
in Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Awesome job. They are gorgeous planters. You can come over to my house and make me some of your planters.

(Judith) Denver, CO(Zone 5b)

I think you've done a great job. I hope you'll keep us posted as they grow. I LIKE your green one. The petunia will provide the contrast. You're on the right track!


Tonasket, WA(Zone 5a)

cfarm, great looking planters. Should look good all summer.


Winnipeg, MB(Zone 4a)

Fantastic job!
:) Donna

Port Charlotte, FL(Zone 10a)

I think you've just done a fantastic job! Like you, I'm also really new at container gardening and just keep trying different combinations! The great thing is, if something doesn't look or do well, you just replace it. (although I have a hard time yanking out something that's thriving...usually goes into the left-over pot and turns out to be the best! haha).

I used to plant a couple of containers but never really tended to them that well! Well, what I'm finding out is...Container gardening is very addictive and you just keep adding. You definitely have a desire to water 30 pots instead of just 2! I am really, really enjoying it. Not only can add so much color and interest to your garden. If things get too big, I can plant them outside in the ground.

I have all kinds of favorites depending how things grow, but right now - I really like this guy! Was kind of created with left-over plants - Poor thing! A little orphan planter...hehehe!

Enjoy and good planting!

Pic: Dwarf Papyrus, licorice plant, lobelia, ornamental sweet potato, and I'm not sure of the green plant, but I really like it!

Thumbnail by KatG
Discovery Bay, CA(Zone 9b)

KatG, I agree it's become pretty addictive. I'm digging out pots that have been empty for a couple of years.

I confess to stealing your idea in that last arrangement after seeing it a couple of weeks ago because it looked so good. I happened to have the same pot and a dwarf papyrus sitting around that was in my waterfall previously. Used slightly different plants for the rest, but not by much.

That pot also makes a nice little table top watergarden which is what I used it for last year.

Thumbnail by cfarm
Port Charlotte, FL(Zone 10a)

OMG Cfarm! We've got the same Pot! That is so cool! I love yours with so much color! Just looks great!

You know what? You just can't go wrong with these containers! Like you, I'm searching for things that are laying around to plant something in! That's because I've become an "addict" Maybe we should join GCA (Garden Container Anonymous!) hahahaha.

Seriously, its such fun and really makes an instant impact. They're fairly low-maintenance too. Gotta hand water a lot (but I find that relaxing) and I also cheat with the Miracle-Gro junk-food. But they like it! :)

Here's another one that I really like and is doing good...planted about 3 weeks ago.

Bottle Palm, sweet potato and calibrachoa

Thumbnail by KatG
Port Charlotte, FL(Zone 10a)

Please post photo when that pot of yours "explodes"...It is going to be spectacular!!!

Port Charlotte, FL(Zone 10a)

You know it's funny...We all look for these exotic types of plants to put in our gardens. To me though, I still love Petunias! I've got a ton of them mixed in to my containers. Haven't planted them for years...but they are just the old stand-by! Love it when the sun goes down and they suddenly smell so good!

Discovery Bay, CA(Zone 9b)

That bottle Palm planter is another winner. Thanks for the pix!

Chesapeake, VA(Zone 7b)

my attempt at container planting too

Thumbnail by pdoyle23323
Port Charlotte, FL(Zone 10a)

Pdoyle - That container looks fantastic! You're going to need a lot of water because those New-Guinea Impatiens get really thirsty (they drive me nuts as I love them so much, but don't do great for me!) Do you not love the sweet potatoe ornamental vine??? When this planter "explodes", you are going to be so happy! Looks great!

Chesapeake, VA(Zone 7b)

Thanks! I got bold and tried it after seeing all the great ones done on DG. Would you beleive this is my first time using the potatoe vine? I see them planted every year and they always look so good. I've never really had a spot to try them, but this year... I will take pics as it progresses.
I love NG impatiens also, they do need water. I mixed in a few of the water crystals things so I hope that will help some.

Port Charlotte, FL(Zone 10a)

It's also my first time for the potato vine too! As far as NG Impatiens go...I found this really cool variety called "Sunpatiens" which thrives in hot sunny and humid weather. I've never really seen them until this year. They grow in full little mounds and can get up to 24" high, but not leggy like most impatiens. So far, so good!

Thumbnail by KatG
Chesapeake, VA(Zone 7b)

hmm, I heard of these but haven't seen them yet, I'm curious as to how they do for you. I love impatients but don't have a lot of shade areas. Sun ones would be nice.

Discovery Bay, CA(Zone 9b)

pdoyle, very nice pot. That potato vine really pops.

Kat, I saw those impatiens at HD today, but it didn't register that they would be sun tolerant and I didn't look close. Doh!

Port Charlotte, FL(Zone 10a)

From what I've read Cfarm: Home Depot has exclusive rights to them for the first few years. They were developed in Japan and are half regular impatiens and half New Guinea. They really do grow totally different (not leggy - more clumpy). If you let them dry out a bit, it seems like the reproductive mode totally kicks in and they're just full of blooms after you give them a good soaking. I'm sold on them and am going back to get more. These have been in for about a month and a half and are in hot afternoon sun. They're not cheap, but are well worth the price when I think of all the impatiens I've lost when the hot weather comes. There are a lot of websites on them from test gardens, if you do a search. I'm totally amazed!

Chesapeake, VA(Zone 7b)

Well then, off to Home Depot then. Thanks for the info KatG!

Columbus, OH

KG, your plants are lovely. Are those sp vines on ea side of the impatients?


Taft, TX(Zone 9a)

these, i think, are outstanding containers.....please keep posting pics all of you.....
We all need fresh ideas and this is one of the few great threads in container gardening....hats off to you!!!

Tonasket, WA(Zone 5a)

Here is a photo of one of my coll. of pots that are finally planted. Still haven't finished the ones on the deck.


Thumbnail by rutholive
(Judith) Denver, CO(Zone 5b)

I really like seeing the containers in context. Those are beauties, Donna. What did you put in them? You have such a lovely setting.

Tonasket, WA(Zone 5a)

This is the first year foe the pots in the photo. Nothing planned as to color etc. Some are plants I bought, some are ones I grew from seed, Am trying to find a timer that will be satisfacory for watering them. The one I am trying now is i guess too complicated for my little mind, any way so far is not shutting off when i want it to.


Port Charlotte, FL(Zone 10a)

Here's an update on my first container garden. It's amazing how well things have grown in the past couple of weeks. Talk about "thirsty" though. It's been so windy here in Fla and we've had no rain, so it's a daily ritual. I'm trying to experiment with a few different heights and have added in a palm planter. Might add another couple. haha. This is very addictive.

Thumbnail by KatG
Cypress, TX(Zone 9a)

This was my first attempt at container planting.

Thumbnail by shortstuff430
Port Charlotte, FL(Zone 10a)

Good for you Shortstuff! Is that Pentas and Sweet Potato Vine? Can't figure out the other plant! Gotta watch that SP Vine...It's kind of taken over some of my containers. Loved it when I first planted it, but it is really kind of invasive. I just keep trimming it back. Would make a great ground-cover though.

Pic: Out of control in a week!

Thumbnail by KatG
Cypress, TX(Zone 9a)

Yes, it is pentas, sweet potato vine, snapdragons (had some extra) and an ornamental pepper called 'black pearl'. I really like the black pearl! It is a real beauty. I may eventually take it out and put it by itself. I will watch the sweet potato. I planted it about a week ago and it doesn't seem to have grown a lot but we have been getting quite a bit of rain.

Port Charlotte, FL(Zone 10a)

I really like the "black pearl" also. That is the great thing about can just switch them around if you don't see something growing well, or too much, or you just don't like it! I'm like you. I use the leftovers, and sometimes those are the greatest containers. It's becoming such a surprise when things grow and look beautiful together. I really love the Sweet potato, but OMG, mine just went nuts, all of a sudden. I would definitely plant it again, but not such much.'s all an experiment.

Here's a pic of when I first planted those overgrown pots...I thinking it's about 2 months ago! Maybe I'm miracle-growing too much! haha

Thumbnail by KatG
Port Charlotte, FL(Zone 10a)

10 Days ago!

Thumbnail by KatG
Cypress, TX(Zone 9a)

OMg, I can't believe that was just two months ago! You have a really green thumb! ;-)

Port Charlotte, FL(Zone 10a)

Nah...I don't think I do, but...that vine is something else! It's so pretty and hearty...and just takes over.

Port Charlotte, FL(Zone 10a)

Cfarm: Anxious to see some updates on those nice containers of yours!

Tonasket, WA(Zone 5a)

KatG, your photo #3535895 is just lovely. How do you keep them watered. We have had virtually no rain in my area since first of Feb. So I have spent a lot of time irrigating. I do have some timers but haven't gotten them all working correctly.


Port Charlotte, FL(Zone 10a)

Thanks Donna...Actually for now, I'm the irrigator! I have a small system running through that waters the permanent plants, but it just doesn't reach high enough for the containers. We're having such a drought also, so we're having severe water restrictions and can only water once a week by sprinkler. Boy, the more they grow...the more water they take! Need some rain badly as this dryness is really taking a toll on everything.

I really am pleased though at how things are growing...

Thumbnail by KatG
Taft, TX(Zone 9a)

I do love container gardening!!! thanks

Chesapeake, VA(Zone 7b)

Update on my container, umm, I had no idea the potatoe vines would do so good. I can't see my impatients anymore.

Thumbnail by pdoyle23323

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