need id for 3 different amaryllis please??

Reynoldsville, PA(Zone 6a)

ok i got a bunch of these in a few weeks ago from an awesome trader and these 3 kinds i had bloom. the other like 40 are too young yet so i don't know what they are yet i can't wait!!

i would love to id these if i can since i am working on a hybridizeing project for my gardens. all my other blooming sized are named except these beauties. i can't find any exact pic to these but a few have come close so please give me your best guess because i can't find them anywhere to id myself. they are more gorgous than the pics and all are amaryllis.

thank you for any help, much appreciated!!

first one is a cream white with a floresent red color stripes and greeninsh white star center. these have shot up 2 stems with 4 and 5 blooms each stem. i believe it is to be 5 but some blooms messed up due to shipping as most had 5. they are about 4"deep with about 5-6" from one side of bloom to the other and self polinateing.

Thumbnail by silkiechick
Reynoldsville, PA(Zone 6a)

this is the next one it is bigger yet. the first one gets about a little over 2ft tall this one is just over 3ft. it got as tall if not taller than my yellow goddess does with bloomes bigger that are about 6" deep with about 8" wide. it has shot up one stock so far with 5 blooms all 5 are podding up very nicely.

Thumbnail by silkiechick
Reynoldsville, PA(Zone 6a)

this is the next one it is in size between the first 2 pictured. it is very similar to the pic of the red one above but is yet different and smaller. it is closer to the size of the first one and these have 4 pods now not 5 like the ones above. none that i can tell are fragrant and i believe all are self polinateing. some i crossed but some i didn't and are still pregnant. hope some of this info may help to better know what they might be.

thanks again,

Thumbnail by silkiechick

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