Cutting back garlic scapes

Brimfield, MA(Zone 5a)


Well, my garlic scapes are about 1 foot out of the ground. I just re-read the directions on my seedsaversexchange sheet and it says to cut them back when they are about 10". I can do that, but do I literally cut them down to the ground?

The next set of instructions says to pull the garlic out around June (depending on your climate) when there are 5 green leaves showing and the rest of the leaves are brown. BUT, if I cut them back to the ground, are some new leaves going to come up? Or, are they talking about part of the scapes?? I'm confused...



Springfield, OH(Zone 5b)

Are you talking about the scape which is the flowering part or the leaves? When you say "cut them to the ground" it sounds like you are talking about the entire plant. You never cut the plant itself down to the least I never do.. but the scapes come up later in the year and yes I cut those off unless I want the bulbules.. you can cook them up when you cut them off and they are very nice.. (either the bulbules or the little scapes) but if you let them form bulbules it takes away from the main head of garlic.
Anyway..back to your question.. You can cut it down almost to the ground or just cut off the end part

Brimfield, MA(Zone 5a)

I'm going to take a picture and post what I'm talking about so I can be sure I'm talking about the right thing.

Springfield, OH(Zone 5b)

Here is a website with pictures of garlic scapes. you could cut then back to the first leaf

Brimfield, MA(Zone 5a)

Okay Jazz, thank you. I don't have those curly que's yet. Just the straight ones growing up in the picture. Thank you for the link!!!

Springfield, OH(Zone 5b)

You are welcome.. You won't regret growing your own garlic.. it is really pretty easy and so very worth it! :)

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