More Garlic questions??

Burlingame, CA(Zone 9a)

I'd like to try growing garlic but I'm not sure how. I know it takes quite a long time to grow but how long? Does it need full sun for the whole time it's in the ground? What about fertilizing - how often? Has anyone grown it in a container? what time of year is it normally planted and then harvested? I have the space but my vege garden doesn't get full sun all year round and so am considering some containers. I wish the plant files had info like this or we had some growing guide stickies? :-(

Springfield, OH(Zone 5b)

I know for my zone (6) I plant them in the late fall early winter and harvest in the summer after the foliage begins to die. I planted mine in full sun but I believe that full sun technically means 6 hours of sunlight? (someone correct me if I am wrong) I think folks have done them in containers but it depends on how cold it gets. If I were you I would try some in both places and see what happens.
When you plant in the winter, you normally don't get any growth above ground until the following spring. Mine are up now and fairly tall. I am going ot have to watch them. I don't fertilize because I forget to. I don't fertilize any of my plants and they seemt o do fine but I have heard that they like fertilizer. I would feel free to do it once or twice..maybe compost when you plant and fertilize in the spring

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