"Moldy" Dicentra Failing Bleeding Heart

Stamford, CT

We rescued about 200 plants from a local nursery last december and planted them with our fingers crossed (which was not as easy as it sounds) well to our delight a good number of them survived and are happy to be here, as are we. Well I planted two dormant large bleeding heart plants (from 3? gallon containers.. big) anyhoo...one of them was placed by an old tree stump and is doing very well, the other was placed by a big half submerged rock and I just noticed today it has died down and the sprouted pieces have molded and fall off at the base when you touch them. The other is blooming nicely for first year. What happened?? The sick one is lower on the slope and therefore I assume the soil is moister (is that a word?) should I dispose of plant or move it to where it gets more sun? Thanks!

Thumbnail by abbyday

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