Coreopsis moonbeam! get it before it blooms!!!

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

As usual, my Coreopsis moonbeam is trying to take over the mixed bed it's living in. I will be digging out a LOT this spring, I hope. I will send it for postage or preferably, a trade. What do you have? I'd even be interested in healthy annuals.

Hanson, KY(Zone 6a)

I would love some of your Coreopsis moonbeam. What are you looking for in the way of trade?

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

Umm, gee, I dunno. What do you have? I'd like a few different azaleas for the front foundation, but that's a huge project. Ground covers? Like lamium, vinca, etc. I like bulbs. I love pale salmony pink. I need more little daffodils;; we had a whole border that didn't come back. Do you have honeysuckle down there?

xx, Carrie

Hanson, KY(Zone 6a)

Hey Carrie,
Yes I have honeysuckle by the oodles full.
I think if I'm not mistaken I sent you a load of this last fall.....but anyway... I still have loads if you want more.

Springfield, OR(Zone 8b)

I would love LOVE some of your coreopsis!

Check out my tradelist, and see if there's anything you're interested in, or I would happy to send you postage and a suprise.

south central, WI(Zone 5a)

Carrie, I would love some moonbeam coreopsis. I have Lamium-good spreader with pink flowers (don't know its' name), vinca vine-starting to bloom, I dug some bulbs of Siberian squill ( I was lifting out other plants) and could tuck those in. They are going dormant here now. These just went "dormant" a week early. I have sweet woodruff also.

College Station, TX(Zone 8b)

I have some ice plants, pink and yellow. Although I use them in hanging baskets, I think that they'd make good ground cover as well. I also have some iris, don't know the name. They're purple and for us here stay green year round and bloom twice a year. Not sure about your area. But would love a trade.

Lexington, MA(Zone 6a)

You have d-mail

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

Oh, Chamelle, my DH was just saying he wanted more crocosmia!! Can we trade that?

And Aunt Anne, I love ice plants (delosperma, right?) in the abstract - I've never really had any. We have a dry hill that's murder to mow, and I bought 5 mesa verde from High Country Gardens. I have a vision of the whole hillside in mixed colors of ice plants.

I going to try to send these out tomorrow or Monday!

xxxx, Carrie

College Station, TX(Zone 8b)

Sounds great, there will be two varieties of pink and a smaller amount of yellow. It grows really fast but the yellow is still a bit smallish. However I'll get them out probably on Monday. I have to send something out to Cal. to someone else and will just do all at once. Your addy is in the member's list right?

Springfield, OR(Zone 8b)

Cool Carrie! I have the lucifer crocosmia that's on my trade list, but also a shorter variety that I haven't listed because I can't remember exactly what it looks like, and don't want to guess at an ID. I know it's not Emily McKenzie, and I know it's not a solid deep red like the lucifer.

Anyway, I'd love to trade for coreopsis, and you may have either or both varieties of crocosmia. :)


Mableton, GA(Zone 7b)

I don't have anything to offer (new house), but I'd love all you could cram in a box for SASE? lol

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

Hmmm. Be careful where you plant this stuff - it can be invasive!! Dedicate a LARGE area to it, deadhead it (but the blooms are too tiny for most of us to see well, at least at a certain age...), and plan on going into business as a coreopsis farm in 5 - 7 years! LOL

Trying to mail them today...

xxxx, Carrie

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

Awesome, wonderful, so I'm sending moonbeam to Rainy, Chamelle (both, please), Aunt Anne, GardenerGardner, Marcia, RainGazer, last1, is that all? edited to add ecobioangel!

Thanks, all, and I probably still have more...

xxx, Carrie

This message was edited May 4, 2007 1:17 PM

Mableton, GA(Zone 7b)

woo hoo! I'm in the addy exchange, let me know how much for postage.

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

UPDATE: RainGazer, GardenerGardner, last1earth, I need your addresses. I don't know when I'll get to the P.O. again. But the coreopsis will still be there....

x, Carrie

Claremore, OK(Zone 6a)

I would like just a nice start of it. Maybe enough to fit a 4 or 6 inch pot ?. Let me know if you have any left and are interested. All I have to trade are the common blue lavender iris and some Autumn Joy Sedum. I can trade those, or send postage. :)

Rose Lodge, OR(Zone 8b)

Carrie, I'd like some. As for what you'd like in return, just look under Co-ops!

Texas/Okla central b, United States(Zone 7b)

I have about as much lanced leafed coriopsis as you have moonbeam.........wanna trade for some?

Thumbnail by jackieshar
Springfield, OR(Zone 8b)

Hi Carrie!

I had hoped to get your crocosmia in the mail on Friday or Saturday, but due to a crazy busy weekend, it's not going out until tomorrow... that might not be a bad thing though, if you would like bergenia, astilbe, or ajuga plants. I rescued a bunch from my aunts house this morning and most of what I salvaged will be finding new homes. :) the ajuga is a pretty purple, but no idea what the astilbe or the bergenia will look like.

Here's a picture of some of the plants. LMK if I shold put a plant or two in! I'll be dividing the astilbe up in the morning, the bergenia is already all cleaned up and divided. I'll put up another picture where you can see the ajuga.


Thumbnail by Chamelle
Springfield, OR(Zone 8b)

Whoa.. I guess I lied about the ajuga, I thought I had a picture. Sorry!

I'll show you something else pretty, instead.

Here's part of the reason we had such a crazy busy weekend. It was decided on THURSDAY night that my dd, the lovely in the blue, would host dinner for prom on Saturday. My husband and I, apparently taking leave of our senses agreed to cook a gourmet dinner for them. My garden was NOT ready for company, especially since the other parents wanted to come and take pictures, and our house was NOT in a state fit for a bunch of strangers to come over. What a scramble!! lol

Thumbnail by Chamelle
Milton, MA(Zone 6a)


Your garden is in a significantly readier state than mine will ever be, that's for sure. What a lovely group of young people (said tongue-in-cheek)! They are lovely, and indeed, they are young, but I have a couple that age myself, and I think in their group formation, they are infinitely UNlovely and infinitely young. I can't imagine eating in a formal!

Was prom only those six in the picture? Or are the other tables hidden in the shrubbery? Luckily for me, my kids would be way too embarrassed to ever want us to host dinner at our house OR garden.

Anyway, thanks for the offer, but no, thanks. And I only sent out a teensy amount of moonbeam, although I will say it is a piece the size of which started my entire coreopsis problem patch!

Let me know when it gets there, okay?

xxx, Carrie

edited to STOP italics

This message was edited May 9, 2007 9:01 AM

Lexington, MA(Zone 6a)

Mailed today packages to: Enva_34, kimskreations, carrielamont, thripmeister, langbr, and tigpie.

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

Folks, you may find your slivers of coreopsis smaller than expected. I was relying on my helper to dig them up and she dug less than I had hoped. However, I swear that this is the size of the sliver I tucked into my garden three years ago and left me with this coreopsis problem! Furthermore, if you wish more, I will send a larger chunk.

xxxxx, Carrie

College Station, TX(Zone 8b)

I haven't such a good excuse only that our local post office is only open from 7 am till 9 am on Saturday mornings. Sucks, but all I have around here. And Sat morning being my only sleep in day, well....I meant to get up early. The bed had too strong a hold on me, I fought, truly I did, but it wouldn't let me up till around 9:30. lol. I went this morning and got the things that I needed to mail it in and will send it out in the am with another something that I have going out. I promise. You're a much better organized person than I am, I got your trade this morning. They'll go out tomorrow before 9am. Anne

Hanson, KY(Zone 6a)

Man there's nothing slow about you lady!! I received your moonbeam coreopsis today. It's all tucked away in it's new little home.
I'm sure this will be plenty since you say it multiplies.
I'll try to get yours in the mail tomorrow.
Thanks so much for sharing!

Mableton, GA(Zone 7b)

got mine, postage will go out asap

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

Oh, please don't confuse me with someone organized! It was all my helper, and it's her fault the snippets are so small, too. I'll never get this patch cleared out at this rate!


College Station, TX(Zone 8b)

I forgot to mark the yellow from the pink ice. lol The bigger bag with the two different leaved plants is the pink and the one in the smaller bag is the yellow. oops.


Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

Summerkid, I didn't really get your co-ops reference, although it looks like you are knee-deep in something at the moment.

Peggie, I can't tell you how long it would take to dig out a 6" clump. A long time. This thing has tangled roots that go to China. We've been sending out little rooted slivers, which, as I keep saying, are exactly the size that crept for a few pleasant years and then LEPT and is now borderline invasive!

I still think it's a nice little plant, and other people report shearing it after it blooms and coaxing a second bloom out of it. I think my problem is two-fold: 1) I haven't been shearing like that. Maybe if I did the seeds wouldn't be ripe enough to self-seed. And 2), until this year, I didn't realize it was spreading underground much more than from seeds. When we've been cutting it back every year, we've been cutting it back above, where we can see. We need to prune the roots, like a bonsai.

xxx, Carrie

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

OK, sending out more 'beams to Peggie and to last1earth.


xxx, Carrie

Claremore, OK(Zone 6a)

Oh my ! I'm sorry if I sounded greedy.......... wanting a 4 or 6 inch pot full. Oops ! Shame on me ! I didn't mean to sound that way, I think I must have been thinking of another type plant. Duh, to me ! :))

You are so sweet to share with me, and I am truly greatful for ANY size. Thank you so very much. I'll send you a D-mail.

Thank you !!!!!!!! :D

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

Auntie, got your generous delosperma today.
Thank you!
xxx, Carrie

D.H. and I are having a disagreement about where to put them!

This message was edited May 10, 2007 6:07 PM

College Station, TX(Zone 8b)

Great!!! Have fun.

Claremore, OK(Zone 6a)

Carrie, I'm sending your Iris rhizomes out today. You should have them by Monday.

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)


These don't have any roots! Are they the kind of thing you can just stick in damp potting soil and it will root? I hope so, because that's what I did. I totally forgot which ones are pink and which are yellow; they're all mixed up now.

Thank you everyone, for your generous trades, except for RainGazer, who has disappeared.

xxx, Carrie

College Station, TX(Zone 8b)

I sent you cuttings and yes just put them in the ground they'll be ok. The only thing that I can tell you is that the one with the pointy leaves is pink (or orange, I don't remember). And the ones that were in with the pointy ones were pink as well (for sure) The ones by themselves were yellow.

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)


We got your crocosmia - thanks very much. Ours seems not to have come back. :-(

What's your best guess on the shorter crocosmia color? We're choosing who gets to have it in his/her garden, heh heh...

xxxx, Carrie

Springfield, OR(Zone 8b)

Carrie! So sorry it's taken me so long to post back. Once I look at a thread and it no longer pops up in my 'watched' threads, I sometimes forget that I planned to respond.

I'll show you a pic of the crocosmia... I used it as a backdrop last summer for some senior pictures.

btw, the coreopsis is doing wonderfully. I was surprised not to have a 'plant' when I first opened the packaging and all those little 'slivers' fell out, but I quickly realized that every one of those pieces was rooted, and what I had was a DOZEN little plants! If they do as well here as they do for you, they'll be taking over the world!! (S'ok, I have the space for it!) The ones that had leaves are growing like crazy, and the ones that didn't, are poking through the soil with bright green new growth. Thanks again Carrie.


Thumbnail by Chamelle
Milton, MA(Zone 6a)


No problem! The crocosmia is beautiful! I'm glad the coreopsis is doing well for you. If I would treat all my trades as well as it sounds you have treated mine, my garden would be beautiful too!

Is that the tall crocosmia or the shorter?

xxx, Carrie

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