How much rabbit poo and what should I pay?

Parkersburg, WV(Zone 6b)

The younger brother of my stepson's friend has seven rabbits. I talked to my stepson's friend, and he's says his little brother isn't doing anything with the rabbit poo. I told him I'd like to have some for my garden, if his younger brother will sell it.

So how much is reasonable to offer for the bunny poop? And how much do you estimate I could reasonably use? My yard is very small--the entire lot is only 4,000 sq.ft. so by the time you account for the area taken up by the house, driveway, garage, garden shed and walkways, I'd be surprised if I've got more than 1500 sq.ft. I can garden. Of that 1500 sq.ft., I'd guess that maybe 500 sq.ft. is currently planted in garden (perennials, annuals, flowering shrubs)--but, of course, the garden area is constantly increasing in size. I expect that in another 3 years, I will have no lawn left--just flower beds and shrubbery! LOL. I do have a compost pile (approximately 3 ft by 3 ft by 3ft). I'm guessing I can't use all the output from seven rabbits...but if not, I belong to our county's Master Gardeners and might be able to find another gardener or two who could use some bunny poop and share it with them.

How much poo do you think I could use on a weekly basis and what is a reasonable price to pay for it? The boy who has the rabbits is about 12 or 13 years old. I would have to drive over to his house (about 3 miles from mine) to pick it up. Would appreciate any help y'all can offer--I don't want to go overboard on the amount I get or what I pay for it.... TIA


Shenandoah Valley, VA(Zone 6b)

I would have just offered to take it off their hands, as they're not using it. Since bunny poo is immediately usable and not "hot," I'm sure you could use it all: it can be scattered on the lawn, too, after all. They should be glad to have someone get rid of it for them!

All to say, I wouldn't offer much.

SE Houston (Hobby), TX(Zone 9a)

How much poo they got in one haul from seven rabbits? I'd have them collect it in a small gallon bucket with a lid on it. Once you see how much they have, and how long it takes them to fill a 1-gallon bucket, then you can figure what it's worth. Afterwards, all you have to do is collect your bucket(s) on a regular basis and give them a few bucks.

Parkersburg, WV(Zone 6b)

I don't know how long it would take to fill a one gallon bucket or similar container but that's a good idea. I'd just give them a container, see how long it takes to fill it, and go from there. I would want to pay them a little something for it--not just take it--because the family isn't well off (single parent, low income family) and I know the boy could use a little cash of his own. He's a good kid and this might be a way of helping him.

I am, after all, getting something of value to me--even if it had no previous value to him. He does have to go to the trouble of collecting it and letting me know when to pick it up. Or maybe he could deliver it to me--he rides his bike over to his older brother's apartment all the time, and his brother's apartment is only a few blocks from my house. So I could pay him a little more if he delivered.

But I'm still not sure how much to pay. Guess I'll have to play it by ear unless someone who actually buys the stuff can give me an idea of the going rate....

Shenandoah Valley, VA(Zone 6b)

Good points. I figured you'd be just scooping it out of the bunny's run, but if they're doing the work and, as you say, if they could benefit from it, I think you're right.

A 50 lb bag of composted horse manure costs around 6 bucks here.

Parkersburg, WV(Zone 6b)

If I can't use all the production from seven rabbits, maybe I can help Evan find some other people to take some too, and he could learn a little about free enterprise at a young age. If he's going to deliver it via bicycle, I don't think he could handle more than a 2 to 5 gallon container at once.

I've got a Master Gardener's meeting this evening. Maybe I will ask there if any of them use rabbit poo as fertilizer or if any of them want some.

Carmichael, CA

I would pay the kid since he is making the effort to collect and deliver. Is he separating it from the rabbit bedding as well? I probably wouldn't go higher than going rate for other manure in the area though. I cubic yard of manure here is less than $1.00. I guess you have to decide what his poo, time and energy is worth to you.

Centennial, CO(Zone 5b)

Take the poo, the bedding, and whatever else you can get. I have found that the bedding makes great mulch, and the rabbit smell keeps off the squirrels that like to ravage my bulbs. The poo disintegrates very rapidly -- after a few weeks you will have nothing but lovely black stuff to plant in.

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