Using Newspaper Seedling Pots?

Clairton, PA(Zone 6a)

Hello, all,

The parts of me that are (1) thrifty and (2) moderately environmentally conscious see some appeal in using seedling pots made of newspaper (the product that prompted the question is Potmaker ( I know you all have opinions (take a poll of 100 members and I can get 101 opinions! :-)), so I'd appreciate your input on the pros and cons of using newspaper seedling pots. I'm not necessarily going to use the Potmaker product, mind you, it was just the item that jogged my memory about them.

Thanks and happy gardening!


Palmer, AK(Zone 2a)

Hi, Kurt. I haven't tried newspaper pots yet, but I did buy a two-size set for making the pots--too late for this growing season. (I'll start making newspaper pots this coming winter). I think newspaper pots are a good idea for seedlings that will be planted into the garden in a fairly short period of time. I suspect, though, that the newspaper will break down fairly quickly, making it a less suitable choice for seedlings that have a longer germination period and/or are slow-growing.

As far as safety is concerned, I'm sure there is no problem. I use shredded newspaper for bedding in my worm bins, and I layer sheets of newspaper in the garden pathways to help suppress weeds. I just don't use the colored or glossy pages.

Hope this helps.


Carmel, NY(Zone 6b)

You know, I bought one of thse contraptions about 3-4 yars ago and have yet to use it. I must remember to put it into play this winter for next yer's use.

I, too, use shredded paper in my garden composting system, and it breaks down nicely.

Guess we all missed the boat for this season, but hopefully we can share notes next year!

Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

I don't have one, but the lady who gave me some heirloom tomato seedlings this year gave me the plants in newspaper pots. I dropped the plants into the larger pots I am growing them in before they hit the garden later this month and didn't remove the paper, and I don't see any problem with the plants.

Rutland , MA(Zone 5b)

i have never used them. i still with the plastic 2 1/2 inch and larger containers. when i repott them i just clean them up and reuse next season

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