More Hummers!

Dover, NJ

I've got 5 feeders out around the house, and must have 6 to 8 ruby throats. They spend most of their time chasing each other, but they have been flying right up to check me out when I'm in the backyard. So I decided to see if they would feed at the feeder with me standing right there taking pics. They were a little hesitant at first, but not for long. These were taken with the camera about a foot away from the feeder.


Thumbnail by LouisianaMark
Dover, NJ


Thumbnail by LouisianaMark
Dover, NJ

and another

Thumbnail by LouisianaMark
Dover, NJ

a male

Thumbnail by LouisianaMark
Dover, NJ

one more

Thumbnail by LouisianaMark
(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Mark - Those shots are awesome!!! How lucky for you to get that close! How exciting to see them everyday! You should try feeding them out of your hand like some folks here on DG have done.
Check out this link if you haven't already:

Dover, NJ

Wow Becky, that link was amazing! I'll definitely try that tomorrow.

I tried sending this pic already, so hopefully it won't show up twice.

Thumbnail by LouisianaMark
Dover, NJ

last one

Thumbnail by LouisianaMark
Marlton, NJ

Great pics Mark!

The Woodlands, TX(Zone 8b)

Mark, those pics are fantastic!!! Good job!

Livermore, CA(Zone 9b)

Great pictures - wow, you must have been close to them!

Dover, NJ

Thanks everyone!

Redtootsiepop--I was only about one foot or so away from the feeder, with the camera zoomed in and set on macro. The flash was on also, but it doesn't go far, that's why it looks like its after dark in the pics (it really wasn't). There are more hummers here than last year, so they have learned to tolerate each other. And since they don't want to miss a chance at the feeders, they will feed with me standing right there. But it is funny--when one first comes to the feeder, it will hover a ways back, then dart in for a quick sip and back off. They will do that three or four times, and then when they see that nothing bad happens, they will hover longer or sit on the perch.

I tried to hand feed today, without luck. But I went out right when I got home from work, and it was still pretty hot, so I didn't stay out long. There seems to be a frenzy of activity about an hour before sunset, so I'll try again tomorrow.


(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Way cool, Mark!!! Keep trying ..... I am sure the little birdies will come sit right on your hand. Be sure to take the feeders down while you are trying to hand-feed them. If the feeders are up right next to you, they will go to the feeders. ;-)

Schriever, LA(Zone 9a)

Awsome pictures Mark! My hummers also don't seem to mind having their picture taken. They are not coming to the feeder as much as they were a couple of weeks ago. Seem to be all about the Duranta now. A few years ago I was wearing some bright red lipstick while sitting on the patio after work and a hummer swooped in and hovered inches from my face. It was a little unsettling to say the least!

Livermore, CA(Zone 9b)

HA HA HA Ladibug, that is funny!

Mark, I am just starting to see them here, and they are still timid... good luck with the hand feeding, I'm sure you'll be successful.

Greenville, SC(Zone 7a)

Great pictures Mark! I have been trying to get a picture of the one that has been coming to the feeders here, But, I have yet to succeed!

Dover, NJ

Well I had better luck today getting them to feed out of my hand. You were right Becky, you have to take down all the feeders. Some of them were still hesitant, and none of them would perch on my hand, but several came up to feed while hovering. Their wings feel like a small fan when they are near your hand. They would dart in and out, and it was difficult to actually get them in the picture. About 1 in 3 pics came out with a hummer in it. Then my USB cable got ornery, and it took me a while to get the pics on my computer.

Here are a few:


Thumbnail by LouisianaMark
Dover, NJ

Here's another:

Thumbnail by LouisianaMark
Dover, NJ

One more:

Thumbnail by LouisianaMark
(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Whoo Hoo! That is sooooooooo awesome, Mark!!!! I knew it would work for you, too!

Congrats on getting them to literally eat out of your hand! :-)

I will enjoy hummers through all of you here on this forum!!! Keep those photos coming!

Greenville, SC(Zone 7a)

So neat!!! And congrats!

Livermore, CA(Zone 9b)

whooo - hoo, wow ! I think I would've dropped the camera !!! How awesome, I bet that was so exciting. Yeah Mark!

The Woodlands, TX(Zone 8b)

That's too cool!

Jeffersonville, IN(Zone 6b)

That is sooo awesome!!! My daughter and I definitely want to try that when ours come back for good (got a scout on Monday).

Kingsport, TN(Zone 6b)

OOOOOO, I am iridescent green with envy lol! Mine haven't started in earnest here either. That is such a great idea though. I am going to try also. Thanks for the wonderful pictures!!

Claremore, OK(Zone 6a)

I hung my hummingbird feeder & had lots of hummingbirds around all the time, now they've practically quit. Where did they go? I also recentlsy hung an additional feeder about 50 ft from the first one.

Dover, NJ


Most of mine are gone too--I think they were migrating birds that just stayed for a few weeks. They do this every year. Now I only have 1 or 2 and they are not around all the time.


Schriever, LA(Zone 9a)


I live near you and my hummers are gone now as well. I've seen both a male and a female last week feeding on the Duranta, but they don't seem to be staying around and there has been no activity at the feeders.

Vancouver, BC


I am soooo envious! For me, such a phenomenon would be heavenly---I'm quite sure I'd freeze on the spot from unbridled wonderment---as well as have a sense of honour for the 'trust' the diminutive things were showing me. It also sounds to me like the wee things know/recognize you.

I am not 'religious' in any formal, organized sense---but I'm totally in thrall to the splendour of Nature, and I believe in the 'connectedness' of all lifeforms---of everything with a molecular structure, for that matter! For me, one of the most heartening and hope-full things is observing cooperation and 'communication' between species; let's face it: it's hard enough for humans to get along with and communicate with their own species!

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