sink stink

Redmond, WA

K when we remodelled kitchen I installed a sink - similar design as previous so nothing really changed...

1. dual sink with disposal on the right
2. it is deeper
3. it is a granite sink to replace a steel sink.
4. house is 1992 - so it does have the vent on the roof.
5. traps appear clear.
6. even had septic looked at and emptied (it was time anyhow)

the side that has the problem is the disposal side. I've tried various suggested tricks off the web.

a. arm and hammer - and salt
b. gel drain cleaner
c. vinegar

(not all at the same time)

the top of the vent appears clear - cannot say if it's clear all the way down tho - need a huuuge ladder to get up to that side.

what else shall I try?

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