scented geranium dying...again

Mableton, GA(Zone 7a)

Last year I killed about 5 specially ordered (and expensive) scented geranium. I think I under watered them. They stayed in part sun.

This year I decided I'd give it a go one more time, but bought only ONE, a lemon scented one. Now it has just about died too. This time it did not go without water and had plenty of drainage. It was in part sun. All the leaves started turning yellow and brown. I quickly brought it in to put it under the qrow light I'm using for my seedlings. I was despirate to try anything. Now, even with slightly moist soil it is finishing it's dying process and most leaves are dried up, but hanging on to the pathetic stem sticking out of the dirt. The stem seems to have some life yet.

Can I save this plant?

What and I doing wrong? My plain geraniums thrive on neglect with a bit of water.

Why are these scented varieties so picky?

I simply can not afford to buy anymore, just to have them die. I might as well burn the money with a match!


Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

You might try posting in the Geranium forum, might get more thoughts over there on why the scented ones would be different than your others. My first thought whenever I hear leaves turning yellow and then dying is overwatering, but without seeing a picture it's hard to tell. If that's what happened, the best chance to save it is to repot it in some fresh potting soil and maybe put a bit of hydrogen peroxide in the water to help get rid of the rot in the roots. But I'm sure there are other things it could be too.

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

mind stating where you got it at? which web site? local? the scented geraniums put off some kind of gas in shipment, being locked up inthe box for so long and it turns the leaves yellow. I lost about 25 last summer but I kept them in the greenhouse and it was way toohot, and mold, fungus, you name it, rot, high humidity, Not quite sure what's going on with yours. I have taken all mine out of the greenhouse already and have hung them here in there in the yard, Scented geraniums love full sun too. mine are in part shade though, but I have some in full sun too. They are all doing quite well. Wish I could say for sure what's going on with yours. perhaps it 's just the place you bought it at and it wasn't healthy in the first place.


Mableton, GA(Zone 7a)

Well, I thought that I might hav over watered it and it didn't have enought light, so I put it in more light (afternoon) and let it dry a bit. It is so totally dead. I don't think the stem even has any green. I'll never buy another scented geranium. They Hate me. :(


This message was edited May 9, 2007 8:54 PM

Mableton, GA(Zone 7a)

See here is how it looks now:

Thumbnail by 3gardeners
Crosbyton, TX(Zone 7a)

3gardeners....i hate it when that happens...; i have no advice at all and hope that i don't kill mine....but at least i know i am not the only one that buys something that i have killed previously ...i just keep buying and buying and buying...and killing killing killing...

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

I think we all do that--it's a plant that we really want, and we convince ourselves that we'll do something different this time and it'll live, but then it never does. I've now set myself a third time's the charm rule--if I've tried something 3 times and it dies then I won't try it again.

Crosbyton, TX(Zone 7a)

if i could learn from you ecrane....if i could learn from you...i just keep buyin and buyin and buyin and they keep dyin and dyin and dyin

Mableton, GA(Zone 7a)

that means I have one more time to throw my money away before I have to give up! Now, to find myself another scented geranium. (They're probably all hiding!)

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

Hey, I lost 20 or so last summer and still spent over l00 this year on more.

you think ya'll have it bad LOL

I'm a pelar freak. I need help bad ha ha

Mableton, GA(Zone 7a)

What is with those things!?!

Why are so many of us having them DIE, not just struggle, but totally die?

Is there a web site where we can go to EXACT expert advice?


Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

i'm really not possitive, but mine were in an area where it was too humid, and they weren't allowed to dry out between waterings, Mold took over and white fungus which is what killed them all. This year I swore I'd put them all in the back yard so they were out of the greenhouse in the summer months, and so far they are all doing fabulous. WE've had an awfullot of rain here and i've noticed mealy bugs quite a bit since all the rain, So I have to spray with neem again. To keep them away. But the plants have multiplied out here in th eback yard, part shade mostly sun though for about 8 hrs of the day. Kind of dappled sun though.

I'l lnever get completely out of them because Ilove them so much. I have over 70 or 80 of them now.

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

Have you tried the Geranium forum for advice?

West Orange, NJ(Zone 6a)

Yes, I have and get no advice. I am in the same boat. I am a pel killer, couldn't root it while it was growing nicely for the life of me. Bought 5 books on it, tried every method and nada. I loved it, it died, and now I do not want to spend $ on more. Rather keep to what I can grow and root for now.

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