scented geranium dying

Mableton, GA(Zone 7a)

Last year I killed about 5 specially ordered (and expensive) scented geranium. I think I under watered them. They stayed in part sun.

This year I decided I'd give it a go one more time, but bought only ONE, a lemon scented one. Now it has just about died too. This time it did not go without water and had plenty of drainage. It was in part sun. All the leaves started turning yellow and brown. I quickly brought it in to put it under the qrow light I'm using for my seedlings. I was despirate to try anything. Now, even with slightly moist soil it is finishing it's dying process and most leaves are dried up, but hanging on to the pathetic stem sticking out of the dirt. The stem seems to have some life yet.

Can I save this plant?

What and I doing wrong? My plain geraniums thrive on neglect with a bit of water.

Why are these scented varieties so picky?

I simply can not afford to buy anymore, just to have them die. I might as well burn the money with a match!


3 gardeners, try to cut the stem as long as you can. Strip off bottom leaves and stick in potting soil.
Did you repot your plant after you bought it? If so, what soil did you use, and did you fertilize them?
We grow scented geraniums at church, and I just stuck a bunch of cuttings in soil last night after a friend bought some that needed cutting back. They have been proven easy to grow in nice potting soil like you'd put a house plant in (we use Fafard), and watering only when dry. Never had a problem with them. We do not fertilize them. They are easy to propagate but no rooting hormone. That was too strong for ours.


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