Dying lemon scented geranium

Mableton, GA(Zone 7a)

Last year I killed about 5 specially ordered (and expensive) scented geranium. I think I under watered them. They stayed in part sun.

This year I decided I'd give it a go one more time, but bought only ONE, a lemon scented one. Now it has just about died too. This time it did not go without water and had plenty of drainage. It was in part sun. All the leaves started turning yellow and brown. I quickly brought it in to put it under the qrow light I'm using for my seedlings. I was despirate to try anything. Now, even with slightly moist soil it is finishing it's dying process and most leaves are dried up, but hanging on to the pathetic stem sticking out of the dirt. The stem seems to have some life yet.

Can I save this plant?

What and I doing wrong? My plain geraniums thrive on neglect with a bit of water.

Why are these scented varieties so picky?

I simply can not afford to buy anymore, just to have them die. I might as well burn the money with a match!


West Orange, NJ(Zone 6a)

You are not alone.
My peppermint-scented one died right before spring; I tried not to overwater it but that turned out to be bad advice! Maybe there's a reason most people let them go dormant over the winter instead of keeping them growing....

North Augusta, ON

I have read they are heavy magnesium feeders...think that could be the problem? I've started giving em epsom salts in the water occasionally, and so far, so good (knock on wood).

West Orange, NJ(Zone 6a)

I gave mine epsom salts - didn't help.

Waterville, VT(Zone 4b)

I gave it as much sun exposure as I could over the winter in a window. It looked horrible for all of Nov. & Dec. but started perking up in January and looks great now. I keep it in a terra cotta pot and water regularly leting it dry slightly between watering. I don't think you can really give it too much sun, at least here in the North, if it doesn't run out of water. I will agree with all of you that scented geraniums are far more difficult than plain old standard or zonal geraniums. I think I did read somewhere that scented varieties like it pretty cool especially in the winter. Maybe the Southern sun is just too hot for them. One other thing I have had no luck at all with scented geranium cuttings, when I have almost 100% success with plain old geraniums.

Tampa, FL(Zone 10a)

Hoya, scented geranium root best when the temps are cool (around 60-70).

I have a small collection of scented that I keep in pots on a west facing wall, outside year around. I plant them high because they tend to get stem rot in out hot humid summers. When I pot them up I make sure the base of the plant is 1" higher than the surrounding soil, with a stake (at first) to keep them from getting knocked over. I water every other day.

Thumbnail by DaleTheGardener
Waterville, VT(Zone 4b)

Dale, you are probably right on the rooting of these scented geraniums. When I tried to root them, the termperature was at leat 85 degrees continually under the tubes on my light cart. They just rotted.

Tampa, FL(Zone 10a)

Hoya, I have rooted hundreds of them in my life, they always die it the night temps are over 65-70. Accoring to some of the books I have read we are not supposed to be able to grow the scented in our hot humid summers. A few don't make it, but, I would say 75% of them do just fine. The key to their success is keeping the area where the stem meets the ground on the dry side. Don't plant them deep and you can water every day if the soil they are in is 'light' and fast draining. We are so humid here that I only have to water every other day. I live in a rental so I don't put high priced plants in the ground. At $9 for a 6" pot I won't leave 'em behind if I decide to move.

Thumbnail by DaleTheGardener
Hillsborough, NC(Zone 7b)

I realize this is an old thread but here in NC (piedmont area, - chapel hill/hillsborough) at the farmers market in Raleigh these scented geraniums are not expensive. I could find out the name of the grower to see if they ship if you are interested.

I paid 2.50 cents for a four or six inch pot. Got lime, chocolate, lemon, rose (the rose is unbelievable), and there were a few other fragrances. All are alive and well and this is after drying out terribly and looking pretty dead while waiting for me to plant. They are planted in full sun and I never water them (did the first week - twice) but it has rained about once/week ( a decent rain) these past two weeks. All are in well drained soil and I planted around big boulders so maybe the heat from the boulder has influence. Also, a few have bloomed. I think that here they are annuals.

Mableton, GA(Zone 7a)

Wow, you have been successful! I'd love to know if he would ship. Those are great prices. I would love to try them all!!
Let me know what you find out. I really appreciate it. That is very kind of you to offer. I didn't buy any this year. I couldn't find but a couple of kinds and they were too expensive for me buying a bunch just for them to die. At his prices, it would be worth the try.

Thanks again!
Catherine Nause
4491 Kinvarra Circle
Mableton, GA 30126

Hillsborough, NC(Zone 7b)

Hi Catherine - I will find out the name of the grower. I just read your post- so a tad delayed but I will try to get to the farmers market soon.

I have saved your contact info and will try to get a catalogue.

Mableton, GA(Zone 7a)

Thanks. I appreciate any help you can give me!


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