Coreopsis and Lobelia not coming back in Zone 5?

Southern, NH(Zone 5b)

I planted Coreopsis "Autumn Blush" and Lobelia "Queen Victoria" last spring - both did great in my garden all summer. However, I still see no sign of life - am I jumping the gun thinking that they didn't make it? Anyone else have experience with these varieties?

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

My guess is you're jumping the gun--are you even past your last frost date yet? Plants that may be sensitive to late frosts are sometimes smart enough not to come up until it's definitely safe to do so so I'd give them some more time before you give up. I grow other cultivars of the Coreopsis and a couple of other species of Lobelia and they weren't the first things to come back for me when our spring started.

Springfield, OH(Zone 6a)

I'm not seeing any signs of my Moonbeam Coreopsis, but the Sunrays are up, ckk. I'm in a zone 6. I've had trouble with some Coreopsis in the past, come to think of it, it was Moonbeam, and Flying Saucer.

Pleasant Valley, MD(Zone 6a)

That lobelia is not a long-lived perennial in your zone and often dies out over the winter if you have unusual weather. I live further south in Maryland... borderline zone 6 and I had lobelia cardinalis growing well for 2 years...we had a horrendous February with ice storms and the plants sat with 5 inches of ice on them. That did them in. Also, many of the newer coreopsis cultivars are NOT reliable hardy as well.

One thing about the lobelias though...if you allowed them to go to seed last year, you will have lots and lots of seedlings sprouting right about now.

Southern, NH(Zone 5b)

I sent Garden Crossings, the company that I bought the plants from, a question about when I could expect the plants in question to come up, and whether they offered any guarantee on the plants. Here is the answer that I got:

"We do guarantee our plants, but I would give them a few more weeks to emerge. It is still a little early. Please let us know if any do not come up and we will replace them for you.

Thank you,
Chad Walters
Garden Crossings"

What a great company!

Thanks to all of you that replied. I will keep watch.

Columbia Heights, MN(Zone 4a)

I lost two Moonbeans last winter, so I replanted. I think these are goners too. I may have to rethink replacing it.

Springfield, OH(Zone 6a)

That was 2 moonbeam loses for me, the 'Tickseed ' do good tho.........I think I might just stick with those.

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

I lost my Queen Victoria, too, and I'm annoyed about it considering the price I paid. I'm going back to the store with the receipt and the plant tag. I have to Google 'Autumn Blush' to see if it's the one I lost. Coreopsis 'Zagreb' is as reliable as can be.

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

I lost 'Sweet Dreams' a few years ago, after just one season. I won't buy it again.

Springfield, OH(Zone 6a)

Oooo, thanks pirl, thats good to know about 'Zagreb' . Do you know anything about "Jethro Tull' ( coreopsis that is! not the rock group! lol

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

I've heard RAVE reviews about it but haven't seen it and I've been to six nurseries since Saturday.

Springfield, OH(Zone 6a)

Well, thats also good to hear! maybe I'll see one while I'm out tomorrow. I also planted some very tiny 'Sunrays' and I'm babieing them. I really like Coreopsis! Usually You just see the "Moonbeam', Creme Brulee' and the plain "Tickseed" around here. Seem to be the most popular I guess. I've never had a 'threadleaf come back hmm...........

Sterling, VA(Zone 6b)

I also lost a Coreopsis rosea 'Sweet Dreams' a few years back. I have since learned that they like good drainage. I think it was the wetness from melting snow and my rather slow draining clay soil that did them in. I now have Coreopsis grandiflora 'Early Sunrise' growing in the same place and it seems to do fine. I also grow some Coreopsis verticillata and Coreopsis lanceolata in different areas.

A quick search did not turn up a species associated with Coreopsis "Autumn Blush". I guess it is some type of hybrid.

- Brent

Otsego, MI(Zone 5b)

Autumn Blush is a Tickseed - does that help?

West Pottsgrove, PA(Zone 6b)

My 'Zagreb' is coming back strong, pretty happy about that.... here's a little Jethro Tull trivia for anyone who's interested, the band was named after a 18th century British agricultural scientist who invented the seed drill:

Hillsdale, NY(Zone 5b)

My "Moonbeam" coreopsis is up, but only maybe ½" of very dark green, sort of grassy shoots. DiSabatto-Aust (sp?)says "Moonbeam" is one of the less hardy cultivars, and the last two winters have had cold without snow cover, so I'm glad to see it return at all. - Julie

Sterling, VA(Zone 6b)

I am not really up on the various Coreopsis species and the difference between them. I thought that "tickseed" was a generic common name applied to Coreopsis in general. I have heard the term "thread-leaf Coreopsis" applied to Coreopsis verticillata and "lance-leaf Coreopsis" applied to Coreopsis lanceolata.

This page has some good information on growing Coreopsis:

- Brent

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Tickseed is just the common name. I like both types that I've grown.

Southern, NH(Zone 5b)

Brent, thanks for that link. According to what I read there, "Autumn Blush" is related to "Nana". It is supposed to be hardy to Zone 4.

Still no sign of life. I'll give it a couple of more weeks. The Hosta that I planted last year is just now peeping out the ground, whereas my older established Hosta started to come up two weeks ago (same variety). I'm hoping that's what's going on here. We did have a very cold and snowy spring.

Otsego, MI(Zone 5b)

My Tequila Sunrise Coreopsis is coming back very well. And, one of 2 Sweet Dreams is just now poking through the ground. Still no sign of the forementioned Lobelia... Just picked up a couple of new Autumn Blush - so I'm going to read up on the link offered above and try to help myself keep them around for awhile. :) Thanks for sharing that info...

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