Is there such a thing as a true red MG?

Painesville, OH(Zone 5b)

I don't want dark pink...I want fire engine red. Is there such a thing? I'm sooo tired of misleading packaging!!! I have Sunrise Serenade, Rosita, and Scarlet O'Hara, but they are still too pink. Tamara

Netcong, NJ(Zone 5b)

Let's see what the "Old Fashioned" type of Scarlett O'Hara with the SOLID throats and tubes produces this year...maybe you'll like them...

Just out of curiosity,do you think any of the Ipomoea quamoclit is red



(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Ron - I am so glad you mentioned Ipomoea quamoclit!

I have been going back and forth on this plant. I have seeds and have considered and then re-considered planting some of the seeds. My only misgiving is I keep reading how invasive this plant can become because it freely sows a LOT more seeds. Have you or anyone else here on this forum ever grown these?

Netcong, NJ(Zone 5b)

beckygardener - reports from gardeners indicate that Ipomoea quamoclit isn't any more 'invasive' in Florida than Ipomoea purpurea...

zone5girl started this particular thread with particular reference categorically to the color of MG's that are 'true red' so,it might be best to address topics related to general invasiveness in any further detail in a thread designated to categorically explore invasiveness rather than 'true red'...

We all diverge 'somewhat',but generally we should try to remain on the topic designated by the starter of the thread until or unless the thread starter chooses to diverge in a different direction...

Happy Gardening...


(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Sorry, my bad!

I, too, would like some "red" MGs. Is Ipomoea sloteri a true deep red flower?

Clatskanie, OR(Zone 9b)

Zone 5 girl, thank you for asking that provocative question. But please let me re ask the question. (this has been a pet peave of mine for a long long time).
Here goes, "Is there a fire engine red morning glory with large flowers"?

From my limited experience, I have seen one, and it was Japanese. If the photography is true and the color is true, it was a fire engine red, or at least close. Closer than anyone has come.

But the psychology of packaging in this world of chamelions, various degrees of deception, and just plain liars, is like this. If you have 100 packets of seeds to sell, and only one is fire engine red, and the others are various shades of pinks, you will just plain sell more packets of mixed seeds, if you put a picture of fire engine red on a packet of various pinks, and then toss in one seed of fire engine red seed, guess what? You sell the 99 packets of various pinks, because of the picture of the fire engine red on the packet.

Unfortunately, our gardenng appatites get lost and or swindled in the mix, to get the dollars we will spend on gardening this year.

My advice: go to ebay and find a Komeri auction, explore it totally, and if you can't find it , then at least email Komeri and ask the name of the fire engine red of the Japanese mgs. He and his wife are the experts on Japanese varieties and they live in Japan.

It has been offered at high prices while I was not watching, but that is the luck of the draw, and the rest is marketing. And if you have finished this quest, send me a n email or something. Good luck! Frank

Netcong, NJ(Zone 5b)

Still waiting for feedback as to whether Ipomoea quamoclit is considered to be red.

Here are some others for consideration
Ipomoea sloteri
Ipomoea hederifolia
Ipomoea steudelii
Ipomoea hybrid Yaguruma



Netcong, NJ(Zone 5b)

edited out as the list I posted was related to another thread...

This message was edited Apr 28, 2007 11:57 PM

Painesville, OH(Zone 5b)

Wow! Thanks everyone for all the info! After all this, I decided to stop being so darn anal and plant what I've got. It's not like my mom is the one being this's me. She had told me she wants a red and white garden, so I am trying to keep it to perfect red and perfect white. But, as Frank said, marketing comes into play, and I guess I will never find several varieties of flowers in all the same exact color. *deep cleansing breath* Tamara, suffering from paralysis from analysis

Baton Rouge area, LA(Zone 8b)

I have a sufggestion. Why not mix families of plants together? A rose such as Scarlet Meidiland would give you a lot of red. Then you could have fun experimenting with white ipomoeas. Morning glories come in lots of white forms.

Here is picture closest to the Scarlet meidiland. It is every bit fire engine red and there is no orangy or purple/mauvy look to this at all. Itis what a artist who mixes color

It is disease/insect resistant and needs very little care.

Summerville, SC(Zone 8a)

The picture is of what is considered True Red (different types of monitors will see it differently) and a picture of the quamoclit. It's pretty darn close!

If you want seeds, I'd be happy to send you some.


Thumbnail by Xeramtheum
Baton Rouge area, LA(Zone 8b)

Yes, those Are red in real life to my eyes. We call them Cypress vines and they are prolific reseeders but that is no problem if you take care of your garden. Once the exess volunteers are weeded then they are gone for good. You can grow these in one spot and keep them weeded out and they will cover anything with cool looking foilage and tiny star shaped red blooms.

Baton Rouge area, LA(Zone 8b)

You could go the other way with a wild type white shrub rose and a cypress vine for the climber. That would be charming and have a care free naturalized look.

Last year my JMG 'Kohkan' was a bright red color, but it had white in eye and edge of corolla.

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

All lovely selections! Thanks for the ideas for red MGs that are more common. As well as roses! :-)

I'm off to sow some seeds! Thanks zone5girl for the great thread!!! Very helpful to me. :-)

Painesville, OH(Zone 5b)

Thank you everyone for the great suggestions! I had also thought of roses, but the area in question really needs something that just goes up, not out (my mom lives in a condo, and so we have very little space to work with). I am taking out a purple clematis since we are keeping this strictly to white and red. Maybe I should just put a nice white clematis in a call it a day! (True reds are hard to come by in clematis too) ;-) Tamara

Painesville, OH(Zone 5b)

X, you have dmail. Tamara

Garland, TX(Zone 8a)

I've been pondering this question for a few months now, and since it's been nearly 4 years since the original post, I thought I'd ask the question again: Is there a large-flowered (Ipomoea nil?) close to fire engine red morning glory?

Jackson, SC(Zone 8a)

none that I have see as of yet. Now someone may have not posted a picture of one but not yet. But there are more and more out there and turning up. So it is possible just none taken a pic of yet.

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

I've never seen a true red. I have one that is a reddish-brown color, but not deep red.

Garland, TX(Zone 8a)

Thanks for the replies. I think it's interesting how orange/red coloration is present in some species while dark pink to reddish-brown is the closest to red in other species.

Jacksonville, TX(Zone 8a)

I have seeds from both of these plants - just need to grow them out

This is a 'True' Scarlett O'Hara with Red Throat and the color has not been altered and is a 'True' Red

Here is a 'Red' SOH that I grew in 2009 and have not grown out again yet

So, yes - the Real Reds are out there

Mesilla Park, NM

Nick, here's your chance to get some seeds for this one!!!

Garland, TX(Zone 8a)

LOL... Big surprise here...

EmmaGrace, you have d-mail! ^_^

Mesilla Park, NM

Good job Nick, save a few for me, will ya!

Garland, TX(Zone 8a)

You got it, A!
May I refer to you as A. like others do??
My fingers get tired after keying in more than 5 or 6 letters at a time... like typing "Ipomoea purpurea 'Aomurasakizyouhantenshibori'"... I just injured myself.
(joking... badly... but attempting to joke, nonetheless)


Mesilla Park, NM

lolololol,,,,, at least you can spell that.. split mg

(Zone 7a)

flaky perp? - as in flaked purpurea - ducking, but not before I mention to Nick that Dr. Yoneda has given us a Rosetta stone for referring to morning glories in a common language we can all understand. For example, look at the link below, row 2, far right, where Aomurasakizyouhantenshibori is located. Like any flower on this page, it is also described by its particular pattern and color: flaked purple. Hence Flaky Perp. But, Yoneda's Rosetta stone does give us a useful tool where names proliferate and confuse.

Dr. Yoneda's Rosetta stone that categorizes MG flowers by their pattern and color:


Mesilla Park, NM

that is a great link. TKS.

(Zone 7a)

A, you're welcome. That link was for patterns & colors of Ipomoea purpurea. Here's one for I. nil:

Both links came from this nifty (ducking again), indexed Image Archive:

I don't think these references are complete.

Garland, TX(Zone 8a)

I appreciate the info!

If I had the focus necessary to hybridize a yellow-red flowering plant with maple-like leaves, it could be named "Koibenitatuta" or "Tatutakoibeni"... depending on the correct order i.e. flower description before leaf type, or vice versa?

edit: That is truly nifty, Karen! BTW: I only use "nifty" as a screen name because my initials are N.F.Y. Family and friends started the nickname... I think I'm too "ordinary" for it, but it what the heck. :-)

This message was edited Mar 11, 2011 6:53 PM

(Zone 7a)

Nick, I can't comment on what may be "correct" in naming an MG flower. There are many different opinions about naming MGs.

But I can talk about guidelines that:

a) give us common ground among MG characteristics so we know what each other is talking about

b) don't cater to market/seller names that seem to proliferate chaos with regard to identifying MGs

c) help to maintain consistency with regard to names of old, classic Japanese cultivars or heirlooms otherwise descended

So, I can't say whether it's "correct" to state leaf before flower or vice versa when naming a flower. If we make a cross, we can name it anything, but having said that, it's courteous to honor the source and source's name if we share seeds we grew out from something we were given that very much resembles the parent vine.

Some like to make it all up as they go, and it's my personal opinion that we are all so lucky to be able to grow these incredible beauties and enjoy them on summer mornings that getting into serious arguments over nomenclature defeats the entire purpose of growing and enjoying flowers. So, I suppose if there were actually rules about this, I would prefer to be flexible about the issue and follow the science relevant to nomenclature myself, but let dissenters go with their flows. We only have one planet to share.

I hope I have said something useful and that others will chime in - these are only opinions that I don't expect anyone else to adhere to - just offered for discussion.


ps - you have such a cute screen name that it's hard not to play with it, but thank you for putting up with my silliness - I think your screen name is great and deserves more respect from me.

Oklahoma City, OK

Hi, I'm new to DG, but wanted to ask about Crimson Rambler. Is it not red? I got seed from a friend in a seed trade, and he convinced me they are red. I was convinced that Scarlett O'Hara was red before growing it, too, and it turned out to be more pink than red.

Most sites ID it as "Crimson", but what is Crimson anyway, but a form of red?

Thanks for your input.


Jacksonville, TX(Zone 8a)


Crimson Rambler is not a 'True Red', however, the Ribs are.

Here is more information about the color 'Red'

Hope this helps . . .

Thumbnail by EmmaGrace

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