Second thoughts about Latin, Gaelic, or Irish or???

Panama, NY(Zone 5a)

I had a thread on the general discussion forum looking for a Latin translation for a sign for my sister-in-law (at her request) that says "Go away, a grumpy person lives here" and Baa gave me a good one, but I'm rethinking the language and was wondering if there's anyone here who is fluent (and please forgive my ignorance in the differences here) in Gaelic/Celtic/Irish any or all or something else? Her family is Irish, second and thrid generation in the US, I have no idea from where other than western Pennsylvania now.
I would like to do one with an artistically Celtic theme.

Oh, I have let this become much more tangled than necessary, but what fun would life be without conplications?

Thank you for your tolerance and any help you can give me.

Durham, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

kathleen, this looks a good one for irish gaelic, , is a good page for Manx Gaelic / Gaelg , Scottish Gaelic / Gàidhlig and Irish Gaelic / Gaeilge.

Another related language is welsh (Cymraeg) and you can find translations here

Hope this helps you,


Dallas, TX(Zone 8a)

the only two irish phrases i know are "a hundred thousand welcomes" and "cheers," but here are a few addresses that might help...

hope this helps!

What a lovely idea. Maybe some of our Irish members can come up with something. I love to see other languages used.

Panama, NY(Zone 5a)

Thak you Lilith and Killerdaisy - I've sent out an email and will let you know what I find.

Baa, I wish I wasn't so "American" in my languages - I have one and it's questionable!

Antrim, Northern Ire, United Kingdom(Zone 8b)

in Irish
imigh leat, conaioon cnaimhealai anseo

imig lat, koneeun knawvshawlee onshu

you need
accents / over the first o in conaionn, the first and
second a and the last i in cnaimhsealai

Panama, NY(Zone 5a)


Thank you, thank you. I'll post a pic of the sign when I get it finished.

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