did I damage compost by storing with not enough air?

Baldwin, NY

We picked up a yard of beautiful compost (it's largely composted manure with leaf mold) from a local nursery and brought it home in three of those huge black plastic contractor bags. It was fairly wet, as it had been removed from a pile that had just been rained on the day before. We opened the bags somewhat when we got them home and used some of the compost. Then, before putting them in the garage, my husband opened the bags a bit more but left them with the top flapped loosely over. They sat in the garage for a week during which we had some warm weather.

I'm probably worrying unnecessarily or slightly misinformed, but I'm concerned that there might have been insufficient air circulation, which could cause the growth of anaerobic pathogens.

On the other hand, it has no odor and does seem to have dried a bit since we first got it. Can anyone put my mind at ease?


Adrian, MO(Zone 6a)

Of all the millions of tons of bagged compost each year that is shipped from hot warehouses in hot semi's to be sat in the hot sun of a wal-mart parking lot display,I don't thing you'll have a problem. I've never heard of any yet.
and as for those anaerobic pathogens (fungus, molds), they are everywhere. it's the plants and our immune systems that keep us from succombing, but remember also that those same pathogens also called micro-organisms actually break down organic matter into compost which is beneficial. I don't know if that's eased yor mind
or has gotten you more worried.

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