DeerVik Desparado

Pinckney, MI

The product DeerVik has been the only thing that has worked in my yard for two years in a row to keep the deer and rabbits from having more than their fair share of my plants. I went to order more and the company is no where to be found....won't answer their under construction...poof - gone. I am sure hoping someone may have either a source or some left over that they would be interested in finding a home for???? Help?

Eureka, CA

Sorry.... I have plenty of deer problems myself, but haven't heard of that product. Good luck!

(P.S I used Liquid Fence with satisfaction.)


Pinckney, MI

Thanks anyway. The Deervik is great because is a little greasy so it doesn't wash off and once I put a little bit around a bed - no deer or rabbit damage at all. I may be forced to try something else so I'll take your suggestion of the Liquid Fence. I'm holding out hope that someone will have a stash somewhere. Thanks and good luck with your own deer problems.

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