Safe to move Amaryllis?

Atmore, AL(Zone 8b)

My great aunt passed away about 2 months ago and she had lots of Amaryllis. I'm not sure what type, but they are solid red (similar to 'Red Lion'). My great uncle, who is 84 ,is not able to maintain them and they are getting crowded by weeds. Would it be safe for me to dig some now and bring to my home? Some of them are blooming, but if I don't get them now they may end up being mowed down.

Mobile, AL

Dig them up and move them! If you cannot plant them right away, stick them in a Walmart type bag with some soil and keep the soil moist.

If the leaves start to yellow, then cut them back. Chances are they will not, but keep them in a well shaded and cool place until you can get them into the ground.

If you cannot plant them right away, then remove the leaves and just keep a good eye on the roots, making sure no fungus or rot is developing.

They may bloom in the bags, but that's okay. Let them.

Just get them in the ground or in pots as soon as you can.

Good Luck! I hope that you can save them all - in memory of your great aunt!

Atmore, AL(Zone 8b)

Thanks HSteacher, it's nice to get a quick response from a local! That's mainly why I want them, for the memories of her. My great uncle lives in Cantonment FL, so I think I'll try to get down there this weekend.

Mobile, AL

You are welcome, and I noticed that I should sign my name. It is Ann, and I teach math at a High School.

Good luck with the move. I don't think you will have any problems at all moving them!

I used to work and attend the University of West Florida, so I know the Cantonment well, but I am sure that it has grown a lot since I have been there.

This message was edited Apr 27, 2007 10:42 AM

Gallion, AL

My amaryllis did not bloom very well this year. Can anyone tell me why?
Demopolis, Al

How did you treat them this year? Was there a substantial change in your weather?

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