Star Jasmine in container

Northeast Harbor, ME

I have a nice long vine growing in a big pot in my house. The pot probably holds 15 gals of soil and the plant has been in it for 2 yrs. I ferltize it with a balanced fertilizer. Lately, however, it's been looking a bit chlorotic.

Does anyone have a suggestion for what I can do to green it up a bit?

Thumbnail by watersedge
Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

Using a fertilizer with some iron in it may help but check your soil pH first, if it's gotten alkaline then the plant can't take up the iron so I would adjust the pH and then if it doesn't green up then add the iron (once you drop the pH, it may turn out there's plenty of iron already there just the plant can't absorb it if the pH is too high)

Northeast Harbor, ME

Thanks ecrane, I'll give it a try.

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