Wandasflowers Excellent Adventure!

Cedar Rapids, IA(Zone 5a)

My hubby Bill & I spent last week touring 7 states on the Harley. I wanted to go see iris in bloom, since my gardens are getting a late start after the cold spring. Might as well go NOW, I'm not getting any younger!

We packed up our new little trailor & headed out, maps tucked away, for our adventure.
Monday saw us riding thru chilly Iowa and into the warmth of Lake of the Ozarks in Missouri.

Thumbnail by Wandasflowers
Cedar Rapids, IA(Zone 5a)

Tuesday found us in Tulsa, Oklahoma at DG Tazzy's house. Many of her iris had been ruined by the frost, but colorful buds beckoned me. Tazzy couldn't resist playing "Motorcycle Mama" in her leather jacket!

Thumbnail by Wandasflowers
Cedar Rapids, IA(Zone 5a)

The next thing I know, Tazzy wants to steal my hubby & ride away...

Thumbnail by Wandasflowers
Cedar Rapids, IA(Zone 5a)

Please excuse the excessive black leather. We're not kinky, just COLD at 55 degrees. Of course, we had to make a stop at the Route 66 Harley Store. (Kind of a HOG- Harley Owner Group- thing)

Thumbnail by Wandasflowers

I love your pics, ya all look so fun! Toooo cute!

Cedar Rapids, IA(Zone 5a)

Wednesday found us lost in the beauty of the Arkansas back roads. I swear a "mile" on the map was really 2-3 miles of steep up and down curves!

Thumbnail by Wandasflowers
Cedar Rapids, IA(Zone 5a)

It was fun, if a bit white-knuckle sometimes... the countryside was beautiful with incredible views. Not many cars around--the SANE people took the straight roads.

Thumbnail by Wandasflowers
Cedar Rapids, IA(Zone 5a)

Oops! new Harley store in Arkansas called "Pig Trails". Had to buy a tshirt with an Arkansas razorback and the slogan "Who let the HOGS out?"

Thumbnail by Wandasflowers
Merrimac, WI(Zone 4b)

I wanna go! Do you have room in that little trailer for me?

Cedar Rapids, IA(Zone 5a)

I was trying to manage digital photography on the move--loved the Long Horned steers out in the steep fields.

Thumbnail by Wandasflowers
Cedar Rapids, IA(Zone 5a)

Beautiful open skies and no one in sight but us....

Thumbnail by Wandasflowers
Cedar Rapids, IA(Zone 5a)

Where are all the people in Arkansas?

Thumbnail by Wandasflowers
Cedar Rapids, IA(Zone 5a)

It took me 11/2 days to pull my hubby out of the back roads. Thursday found us in Nashville, TN with a visit to DGer Ellen. Despite lots of frost damage, HER historic I. Pallidia iris were blooming!

Thumbnail by Wandasflowers
Cedar Rapids, IA(Zone 5a)

Nashville Harley store? How could we skip a tshirt from this one?

This message was edited Apr 25, 2007 9:26 PM

Thumbnail by Wandasflowers
Cedar Rapids, IA(Zone 5a)

Even the insides of the stores are well decorated in various themes. I tend to think it's almost a "cult" thing with the guys....

Thumbnail by Wandasflowers
Cedar Rapids, IA(Zone 5a)

I insist on a bed and a shower each night--too old to campo on the ground. Seems hubby Bill was forever packing & re-packing the tour pack & trailor.

Thumbnail by Wandasflowers
Cedar Rapids, IA(Zone 5a)

Tennesee had some beautiful exposed rock along the roads.

Thumbnail by Wandasflowers
Cedar Rapids, IA(Zone 5a)

Friday found us in Kentucky to visit a cousin and his family. Seems like it was endlkess city from Nashville to Louisville. Not my favorite part of the trip.

We stopped to check out the National Corvette Museum in Louisville. From the cars parked outside to the revernet attitude inside, I suspect the "Corvette Cult" has more than a few baby boomer members too....

I owned a 1962 Vette in the 1970s. It was another life.

Thumbnail by Wandasflowers
Cedar Rapids, IA(Zone 5a)

Saturday took us thru Indiana to see other American roads. And LOTS of of other Bikers out enjoying the warmer weather.

Thumbnail by Wandasflowers
Cedar Rapids, IA(Zone 5a)

Sunday found us in Illinois visiting my hubby's aunts & uncles. All were fascinated by his shiny, loud toy. My hubby turned 49 last year. this is his "mid-life crisis" bike. Cheaper than a divorce or anoither woman... LOL

Thumbnail by Wandasflowers
Cedar Rapids, IA(Zone 5a)

We dodged the cold rain and By Monday afternoon, we were back in chilly Iowa again. 7 states in 8 days ---2400+ miles. I survived with nothing more than a red nose and a slightly tender rear. Not bad for an old bat like me!

And my garden waiting patiently for me....

Thumbnail by Wandasflowers

Looked like a great trip, I enjoyed your pics. I almost felt like I was going right along with you - I'm sure it was a blast. Isn't it nice to get home to those pretty flowers? You have a lovely garden.

Cedar Rapids, IA(Zone 5a)

Thank you. It was a tough week to be away from it and wonder if the bunnies got all of my baby lilies.

The irises have been frozen & smothered in 3 inches of snow recently. I'm HOPING they will bloom for the Iowa Round Up Tour in just 9 days! Yeek!

Melvindale, MI(Zone 5a)

Wow Wanda, what a trip. Looks like you had a wonderful time and the pictures were very nice. Thanks for posting.


Cedar Rapids, IA(Zone 5a)

I'm still recovering. I had time to quickly mow the lawn and spray the lilies with Plantskydd Monday afternoon. It has rained ever since & my IA Round Up plants are not dug yet. Guess I'll have to get out in a pncho this afternoon & pot up in the garage. Muddy mess, but got to get it done! Our IA RU is here in just 8 days!!!!

Oostburg, WI(Zone 5b)

Great pics, Wanda. We might have passed each other in AR! And even the main roads in northern AR are that curvy and hilly. They're misery in an 18 wheeler!

Cedar Rapids, IA(Zone 5a)

18 wheeler? Whoa! I thought they were too narrow for a big Harley! We went up and down on banked curves and weaved around so much, that the map said 80 miles and our odometer said 180 miles!

White knuckle time for me, but hubby thought it was great fun.

Thumbnail by Wandasflowers
Texas/Okla central b, United States(Zone 7b)

did that some years ago rode up to seattle..... then down the pacific hwy..fantastic!!! memories to last a life time..wish you could have rode my way, many of the iris you have shared with me are in bloom right now.......again I thank you

Middle, TN(Zone 6b)

I am so glad that you got a chance to come by my place. Although the visit was soooo short, it was a delightfully memorable one for us. Here is another shot of our short time together. My iris are blooming like crazy now and are just beautiful! I just wish they had been in full bloom when you were here.

Thumbnail by Elena
Cedar Rapids, IA(Zone 5a)

Poor timing on our part ? I did want to see how some of those buds would bloom. Oh well, maybe next time?

Jackieshar--I'm glad your iris are doing well. Sharing is a great way to make all of our gardens more beautiful at a little $$.

Oostburg, WI(Zone 5b)

Yup, white knuckles for me and sore knee for DH, (constantly shifting). Pretty country tho!

Cedar Rapids, IA(Zone 5a)

Sounds like a great trip, and wonderful pics, Wanda!! Perfect for your wandering gypsy soul!! But it's great to have you back, too, with our Round-up coming soon! See ya in a week! Dax (Becki)

Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

Looks wonderful! Not sure that I could sit that long ~

Los Alamos, NM(Zone 5a)

What a great trip Wanda and what great documentation! It was great to see pictures of so many DGers giving us faces to go with online monikers. What, by the way is Plantskydd? Maybe I can learn a new iris trick?

Sand Springs, OK(Zone 7a)

It was a great treat for Wanda and Bill to visit us and much to short a time to steal Wanda's bike or husband .
but at 65 i gave it my best shot .
I would have brought both back unscathed . Maybe ? LOL
My DH Dan watching as i tried to run off with bike.

Thumbnail by tazzy
Sand Springs, OK(Zone 7a)

Wanda and Bill,
" styling and profiling " on their big hog .

Thumbnail by tazzy
Sand Springs, OK(Zone 7a)

Wanda and Bill again .
could not get shadows out of Wanda's face
teach her not to let me run away with her hunk husband and purdy machine .
((( evil laugh)))

Thumbnail by tazzy
Sand Springs, OK(Zone 7a)

The road king and Queen as they ride off in the sunset ,
with old woman running behind screaming " take me "

Thumbnail by tazzy
Sand Springs, OK(Zone 7a)

Making there final U-TURN s off to see the Wizard they go
Wanda forgot her red slippers so they missed Kansas .
Great people what a blessing seeing them .

Thumbnail by tazzy
St Joseph, IL(Zone 5b)

Oh how funny you all...love the pics Wanda.

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