what is it ?

Hiouchi, CA(Zone 8b)

last summer i planted several ferns including Harts tongue and a crested tongue plus others along my little creek.
i thought i had lost all of them to the record breaking freeze we had
but one of them is coming back :-)
and i do NOT recognize it ?
it is the large leaf one


Thumbnail by Strever
Hiouchi, CA(Zone 8b)

here is a close up of one stem

Thumbnail by Strever
Beaumont, TX


See those little leaves in the lower right front corner of your second pic that looks like a grape leaf? Is that a vine with coiled curly q's for tendrils like a grape vine has? If so WHAT is it? Both my sister and another DGmember have a vine in their gardens that looks like grape leaves just like the one in the pic but we have no idea what it is or where it came from.

Edited to say it's in the second pic better.

This message was edited Apr 24, 2007 11:42 PM

Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

It's some sort of holly fern. Cyrtomium. Cyrtomium Falcatum perhaps which is probably the most common one. There are several sorts. Perhaps someone is more discerning than I am or you can find it in your records now.

Hiouchi, CA(Zone 8b)

Maid n the shade
if you are referring to the leaves i have circled in this image ?
they are Tellima grandiflora a relative of Heuchera
i just found out the name yesterday :-)


Thumbnail by Strever
Gent, Belgium(Zone 8a)

Hi Dick,

I think Doss is right!
it is most probably Cyrtomium Falcatum.
Send you a picture of mine.

Thumbnail by bonitin
Beaumont, TX

Yes those are the ones, Dick. But I looked at the pics in the plant files your links pointed to and it looks like they stick straight up when they grow. I don't see any coiling tendrils on them either. I haven't seen hers bloom but I might not just not have been there when it was.The one's my sister have crawl along over things like a vine so it must not be Tellima. I'm going to get her to take a pic and ask for ID. It buggs me. :) I gotta know. Thank you.

Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

Strever - Holly fern is VERY hardy. I think down to zone 6 or 7.

Hiouchi, CA(Zone 8b)

Bonitin & Doss
i think you must be correct
why did it die if so hardy and is now coming back ?
from the summer heat ? only gets into the mid 80's here
and why do all of the ones in the plant files have bumps (spore pockets) and mine not ?
your leaves look they are smooth like mine ?
is because they are young ?
but i bet i did buy and plant a holly fern there :-


Gent, Belgium(Zone 8a)

Yes, this photo was taken last year in middle spring. Its fronds were still young, so it couldn't have spores yet.

Hiouchi, CA(Zone 8b)

Maid n the shade
the only vine i have with tendrils
is what the locals call wild cucumber
i have never looked up the real name
but here is an image of a tip i just broke off


Thumbnail by Strever
Chesterland, OH(Zone 5b)

I grow a couple variety of Cyrtomium and they are hardy, but not evergreen for me.


Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

Strever - Cyrtomium is evergreen here - that is holds it's old fronds until the new ones come in the spring.

Beaumont, TX

I'm still not sure that is it Dick. I'll have to get Janet to take a pic of this one in her flower bed so we can have it ID'd.

Hiouchi, CA(Zone 8b)

thanks Doss
did the freeze get to your yard ?
i lost several things here and i suppose it knocked the Holly fern down but not out


Beautiful, BC(Zone 8b)

There were several plants that became deciduous this winter because of the combo wind/cold, etc. I had the same plants several feet apart and one was perfect, the other dead. Stever, I'm surprised how many plants you've had in ID that are also native here.

Hiouchi, CA(Zone 8b)

that's the PNW for you :-)
600 miles apart & we're only a 1/2 zone different
and i bet your also near the coast ?


Beautiful, BC(Zone 8b)

Yep, a few blocks away. I hadn't considered parts of California PNW. Learn something new every day.

Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)


I did lose some things but fewer than I expected. I lost a couple silver lady ferns, a couple mother ferns and all of my statice limonium and my distictis were frozen down to the trunk but are coming back. My fuchsias were fine which I was worried about. And of course, like everyone else the princess flowers were toast. I covered things big time though and used cloud cover. I'm not sure how much good the cloud cover did me though. Oh, and a couple of echevarias were lost.
I feel that I was lucky.

How about you? I'm sure that the holly ferns will be OK.

Hiouchi, CA(Zone 8b)

i moved here from SoCalif last year and brought to many of my babies
i should have given even more of them away to neighbors
i lost the exotic hibiscus's of course
2 very large Cycads Dioon edule & Dioon rzedowskii
and several Sago's
and 3 very large Philodendron evansii
and an unknown qty of smaller things like the silver ferns etc.
i won't even go into the Brugs i left outside


Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

Ouch Dick, you did lose a lot. Those are some very beautiful and practically irreplaceable plants that you lost. I just bought a hardy hibiscus "Sanchoyo" that is double and pink. Of course nothing next to the tropical ones but it might help cheer you up a little.

There is almost nothing to say over a loss like yours...

I had to look up cycads but I love sagos. Both beautiful. And of course the brugs are always lovely. Are they cultivars that are hard to replace? I had two about 3 feet from each ohter. I lost one and one survived. Cold is so strange.

Where is Hiouchi? An exotic name by all means.

Hiouchi, CA(Zone 8b)


the Brugs were seedlings that had not bloomed yet
some might have been special :-) but my special one i did put in the GH :-)
Hiouchi is a small hamlet on the Smith River between Crescent City and the Oregon border


Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

Your website is lovely Dick. And wow what a greenhouse.
I've been to Jedediah Smith Redwoods State Park. It's beautiful - heaven.

Hiouchi, CA(Zone 8b)

did you visit Jedediah during the summer when the foot bridge is up to go over to Stout Grove ?
where the largest tree in the world is ?
not the tallest or biggest around but has the most board feet

Dick in heaven :-)

Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

I sure did visit it in the summer and saw the largest tree in the world. It was when I was a kid and we stayed 3 nights there so saw a whole lot. It was a long time ago and I still remember it well.

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